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As for losing the controller: I for one would LOVE it if it was able to be handled properly. I mean there are some physical limitations especially concerning space, but being able to do some of this stuff physically is a dream come true for a guy like me. I mean think about Virtua Fighter or Tekken done as a pure kinect game. If Microsoft keeps plugging away at it and a game dev takes the ballsy move of putting a Triple A title on as a pure kinect game (Fable's a nice start but not the headliner that's needed) This is really going to be off the wall insane.

I can respect that and I have to agree that it would be neat if they pulled off something as cool as you described. The best I can do is present the counterpoint (and my little "In Defense of the Controller" argument :)). Right now, I'm studying for the bar exam, which means my days generally consist of about 10-11 hours of studying. The only time I play video games is at night for about an hour before I go to bed. The LAST thing I want to do at that point is talk to my games, stand up to play, or for that matter, move around at all. And after I take the bar, I'll have a job that'll require 50-60 hours per week of work, and again, the last thing I'll want to do is play a game that requires me to move anything more than my fingers.

Picture this. You have a Zelda game (yeah, I know it's not Kinect, but just go with it). To play, you have to stand, walk in place, bend down to open treasure chests, swing your hands like you're holding a sword (or hold a plastic sword for the hell of it if you have the space). Couple that with 7.1 surround sound and a 3D display and you have perhaps the coolest game ever. When you walk into Kokiri Forst, you really do walk into the forst, and it's ridiculously immersive.

Is what I described really cool conceptually? Absolutely, and it'd be lots of fun to play as a AAA title pulled off correctly. Unless you work all day and gaming is your little way of relaxing after that. And for those people, you need to be able to turn off the 3D and pick up a controller so you can successfully enjoy the game while pleasantly sitting your fat ass down on your recliner.

So I guess we both agree that Kinect tech is really cool and has lots of potential. I just hope that the controller isn't dropped completely. Give me a choice to pick up a controller instead of moving around. That way we can both be happy!

They indirectly announced 2 new Smash Bros. games, but given that the team is still working on Kid Icarus, those don't really count. Its promise of 3rd party content on the Wii U is also pretty big in theory, but it falls short at present since they only mentioned games that will almost certainly be out on PS3 and XBox 360 well before the Wii U launches in 2012, and because realistically, the Wii should have had a way to offer the same content for the last 5 years.

Fair enough, I guess last year with the malfunctioning Wii-mote was more of something worth including. I'm just a bit miffed with Nintendo, even though I've decided to get a 3DS in the coming months.... :roll:

I'll believe that third parties will support a Nintendo console when a year or two passes and they continue to do so. That's about when most of them quit trying. They'll go on a long spiel of how there's no "Hardcore" audience or Nintendo is too kid friendly or they can't compete with them or some nonsense like that. This is part of the Nintendo cycle, much like Sega with Sonic titles.

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