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Game: Lagoon

Remix Name: Tropic Lodge Lagoon

Hey, it's TO.

This was my PRCv2-6 winning entry.

Remix of "Castle Theme" from the game "Lagoon." I'm not really sure what genre you'd put this under. It's sort of a piano/groove/ambient/whatever else style piece. I'll let you guys decide.




Bit of a dodgy storm sample there, I almost thought it was applause at one point. It's so difficult to find a good storm sample. Anyway...

Nice groove. My only reservation about the mix is that I thought that the synth that comes in at 2.28 was too loud. I think this would really benefit from some tweaking in the instrument levels department in terms of that synth. Some judges may find an issue with the low-fi drums. While it might have been nicer to have higher quality drums, I don't think it takes away from the groove of things.

I'm gonna put this as a NO, because I think it would do the mix better justice to rework the instrument levels. Although if this version passes I wouldn't have a problem at all, I just think it would do better credit to the mixer (bad grammar? who cares).

(Please resubmit)


There are primarily two problems I have with this mix. First of all, I don't believe it incorporates the original theme well enough. Only a part of the original is even used here and it seems to serve more as a background element, with most of the melodic material being improv-like solos.

Secondly, this strikes as being a bit on the simplistic side; what with sections (2:12 to 3:06 for instance) consisting only of bass and lead and numerous others sections which only add a repeating fragment of the source theme to the bass/lead combo.

There's just not enough meat on the bones, here. A good place to start would be to include the rest of the theme.




Played this one back on VGF45, so it was cool to see it now. Unfortunately though, I've gonna take the consensus route with Stephen & Mike. I agree with everything they said. The storm sample was cool for sounding a bit different than the usual fare, but almost sounded like something else entirely.

The lo-fi drums aren't too much of an issue, but the clapping samples sound really pasted on. Indeed, the synth joining in at 2:28 was too loud in my opinion. Nothing hugely abrasive, but it could have afforded to be toned down. The synth piano close was nice, but maybe would have sounded better with richer sounding notes. Those are just production-related comments/suggestions.

From what I remember of the source as well, this goes a bit too far off the beaten path doing your own thing composition-wise. Considering Izz was also a participant in PRCv2-6, he knows the source material as well. If I had the SPC in front of me, I'd point out certain more overt spots.

In any case, Lee, feel free to work on this further if you're interested. Still a very cool/enjoyable piece, in my opinion.



I have nothing to add that hasn't been covered already. I actually like this mix, I wish TO would work on this more as there is potential. I'm not crazy about the synth lead though it's very abrasive. Also the piano sounds way too robotic at this point.

One thing I'm noticing is that TO's stuff is overly loud levels and the lack of dynamics. Here, there is some from time to time, but the majority of it is way too powerful imo. Particularly with the piano, dynamics could really help that aspect.

Very cool usage of percussion/drums and processing though. I would consider resubmitting. Enjoyable, but it's not quite there yet for me to yes.


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