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Based on the comments I've gotten on some of my mixes, it seems that my headphones (that I got a few months ago) might be boosting the low-end frequencies a bit.

I hear more bass in my music than there actually is, and its throwing off my EQing.

So, I did some tweaks to my computer's equalizer to offset the bass boost in my headphones. At least then, I should be hearing close to what you guys are hearing.

I just wish I realized this alot sooner...

Anyway, I've made some more changes to the EQing on this mix, and I would greatly appreciate it if you all could take another listen, and tell me what you think of the volume levels and EQing. I'm sure I'll have to tweak it some more, but its the best I can do until I get some real studio monitors.

Updated WIP:



Collective consensus review from the 3 WIP mods:

Great arrangement and very competent production. Some niggles: bass is conflicting with the kick, sounds like the kick's decay is getting muddied up by the bass, potentially in the sub-bass range. Breakdown at 2:36 sounds like it could, and should, be more intense (either more ambient and less punchy, or more punchy and less ambient). The last chorus could use something unique to set it apart from previous chorus, either more layering, additional parts (arp maybe?). This basically sounds like it needs only a bit of cleanup and polish and it'll be good to go!

Collective consensus review from the 3 WIP mods:

Great arrangement and very competent production. Some niggles: bass is conflicting with the kick, sounds like the kick's decay is getting muddied up by the bass, potentially in the sub-bass range. Breakdown at 2:36 sounds like it could, and should, be more intense (either more ambient and less punchy, or more punchy and less ambient). The last chorus could use something unique to set it apart from previous chorus, either more layering, additional parts (arp maybe?). This basically sounds like it needs only a bit of cleanup and polish and it'll be good to go!

Thanks 99. That's exactly what I need to know.

I'll work on separating the frequency range that the bass and kick are working in. And maybe cut off some of the low end decay on the kick as well.

I'll try to think of something for the breakdown section, but I'm mainly concerned with the last chorus. I want to throw in more variation, but I cant think of shit.:cry: In my original Panic Puppet remix, I made transition into the Gene Gadget Zone for the second half, but I don't want to do that in this one (I plan on making them two separate remixes). I'll see if I can add some elements from Panic Puppet Act 2. That should make things interesting.


I know it was mentioned earlier, and I did indeed do some experimenting with that idea.

The thing is, I'm not that great at the sidechaining thing yet. I just started working with the "sidechain" present in GrossBeat on this remix, and it was a real bitch and a half to get the wobble bass timing the way I wanted it. I kinda didn't want to mess with it anymore unless I absolutely had to. Also, I don't know of any other way to sidechain, due to my noobishness.

Anyway, update coming soon!

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