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*NO* Sonic R 'Night, Rain and the City'


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  • 5 weeks later...

This is a pretty fun adaptation, but it starts to feel very repetitive. The structure is the same as the original, which is fine, but when the only difference is that the tempo is slightly different, and the voice is vocoded, it's not quite enough for me arrangement-wise to be able to vote yes on, but it's closer than your first sub.

The vocals sound just a little behind the beat, and the mixing is decent, but slightly muddy in the low-mids. What really needs work is the arrangement and how it wears down after too many repetitions. I think adding additional countermelodies and more excitement for the second half of the song would really help. :-)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

great choice of source tune. gotta agree with OA though, it's a bit too conservative, and gets pretty repetitive. production was pretty good overall though, the vocals sound cool, and the song definitely had a daft punk feel to it. it's close, but I think you could take this a few more steps forward with the arrangement. really hope to hear this one again. :)


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