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*NO* Sonic the Hedgehog 'Robotn1k R3conf1gur3d'


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Hello OCRemix team!

This is my second submission to the OC community, and I really hope

this one makes it in. I'm planning a party featuring a breakdancing

elephant just in case it makes it on the site, so, no pressure or

anything :D Anyway, on to business.

ReMixer name: Dj Cr4sh

Your real name: Daniel Ramos

Your email address: Crashproject@gmail.com

Your website: www.soundcloud.com/DJ-Cr4sh

Your user id: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=44273

Name of game(s) arranged: Sonic the Hedgehog

Name of individual song(s) arranged: Dr. Robotnik's Theme (Boss)

Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if

it has not yet been added to the site): Sega Genesis

Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound

archives already available on the site):

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind

it, how it was made, etc. :

I've always been a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, and this boss music

would make me feel like a 40 ft tall hedgehog monster. I think my

remix fits that memory well! I'm still learning alot about mixing and

mastering, so any feedback from your team is greatly appreciated!

Download link for song

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This is really cool stuff, but I agree with Jesse that the balance is off, where the melody is buried. The breakdown sections are a little better, but you'll need to bring down the bass synth and give the melody some room. Definitely would like to see this on the main page, so please tweak the levels and resub.

No, please resubmit

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