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Hotel Dusk Room 215 - The Long Night


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My source material was The Long Night, and The Last Sleep, both of which are from the game Hotel Dusk: Room 215 on the Nintendo DS. I initially wanted to remix pretty much anything off of the game, mainly because there wasn't a large number of remixes for the game at all. Wherever I looked, there wasn't hardly anything, save some rearrangements. In the end, I opted for what I felt were my two personal favorites from the game, and ended up with this. However, in order for the song to fit properly the style of music I make, I had to edit both themes in order to sound like the belonged, and to add my own touch to them as well. To those of you who take the time to listen to this, let me know what you think. Thank you.

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About the only thing that really stands out is that I'm most likely clipping, but that would have to do with my rendering it at around +4 or +5dB, in order to supplement the whole "Loudness War" thing that's so prevalent nowadays. Oh, my use of downlifters may be drowning out the mixdown somewhat as well. But most of which that normally would, I ended up cutting off their low frequencies.

But yeah, I do notice some volume issues myself, be it the percussion, or the overall Master volume, but I'm generally happy with the end result for now until I go back again and try to fix it a bit more.

Also, it's a little hard trying to manage as much crap as there is going on at times in the song, ugh.

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