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*NO* Mega Man 4 'Skull Storm'


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Name: Arceace

Real name: Ben Clifton

Email address: jugglemon312@yahoo.com

Game: Mega Man IV

Arrangement name: “Skull Storm”

Original track: Skull Man’s Theme


Think about the first game you have ever played. It may have been the original Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, or any other popular game. My first game however, was Mega Man IV. Even though this game continually to discouraged me because of its difficulty, there was one little factor that kept me playing it. That was the music. I was captivated by how catchy some of the songs were.

As you can probably guess, Skull Man’s theme was by far my favorite song. In fact, I think he is my favorite robot master in the entire Mega Man series. Part of the reason was probably the fact that he was the only robot master that I was able to beat. Nonetheless, I have many fond memories of this theme.

When I started out with this arrangement, I was not sure what to expect. The only thing that I knew from the beginning was that I wanted this to have a sort of trance/ electronic feel. I didn’t have a whole lot to work with since the original theme was rather repetitive. All that I could do was sit around, and play with the different parts of the arrangement to find the perfect sound and rhythms. Gradually, I built the piece up into what it is now. I am rather pleased with how it turned out.


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  • 3 weeks later...

There is a lot of cool synth stuff going on, but those drums are absolutely not getting the job done. At first I thought it was one of those cheeky "let's do the intro with crappy drums, and then hit them hard with the good drums", but when the it was the same looped beat throughout with really flimsy sounding drums, I sadly discovered the truth. :-(

Some of the more exposed synths didn't really work either, when the soundscape empties out. They are a bit dry, and would work well in a more crowded soundscape, but when it's just them and a small counter melody, it's not gonna work.

The good news that the arrangement is pretty good, if a bit liberal in places, but between some synths being a bit too dry, and the super thin drums, this needs a bit more work. I encourage you to hit up the WIP forums and get some advice on drums, and then resub it! :-)

No, please resubmit

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  • 1 month later...

Andrew hit all the major points here; there are some cool arrangement ideas going on, but the energy is killed mostly by the drums. I'd also like to point out that the overall song feels a little muffled, which is another energy loss factor. You've got some work to do, but you're on the right track!

NO (resubmit)

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  • 2 weeks later...

gonna third my fellow j's, those drums are definitely bringing the mix down, they don't have a lot of punch at all. the synths ranged from pretty nice (liked the main portamento) to pretty vanilla (that gated synth sounded particularly generic), and the mixing seems a little muddy and crowded in the lower mids. arrangement was pretty ambitious, with some more liberal transgressions, but overall it was definitely clicking. the production however does need quite a bit of polish. keep at it. :)


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