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*NO* Ninja Gaiden 'The Devil Removes His Mask'


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Hi there,

Please visit my soundcloud link below for my submission:

Original VGM below

My mixer name is 'Capitulated Sound'

Real Name: Matt Hird

Email: Matthew.i.hird@hotmail.co.uk

Website: http://www.myspace.com/capitulatedsound and http://soundcloud.com/user4076963/

User ID: hulky (Sorry, I tried to find number but had no luck !)

Game arranged: Ninja Gaiden (NES)

Name of Arrangement: The Devil Removes His Mask

Original Track: The Masked Devil

Originally Composed by: B.B., Keiji Yamagishi

Originally VGM:


After taking a break from producing game remixes, I wanted to find an epic theme tune to remix into a dance themed track produced inline with my own personal music production style.

I remembered this track from my childhood, and how it used to get me pumped up ready to fight the end of level boss. I had a listen to it, and noticed the melodies and styles used in the original composition were perfectly placed for me to recreate a version with a long, purposeful build up, leading to a powerful drop.

I have remixed quite a few tracks over the last couple of years, but as my production skills have (in my opinion!) improved I thought it was about time I submitted one of my tracks to this awesome organisation. Hopefully it will tick the boxes! I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Oh, and finally...great job on such an amazing website (no, thats not a sweetener...just recognition of your great work ;)

Many thanks,


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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a good start overall, but once it gets going, it hits critical mass right away and never goes any further, seemingly content to repeat. It is also pretty conservative, and doesn't do a lot besides upgrading the sounds and adding a more energetic beat. I think the base is here, but the arrangement needs more juice to get over the bar. I recommend hitting up the WIP threads and seeing what kind of thoughts people would have to pump up the arrangement. :-)

No, please resubmit

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The source is pretty short, so I give you kudos for making what you did out of it so far. Andrew's right, though; once this hits full stride, the energy level and development plateau, which is unfortunate. I think it would help to have some more drastic change-ups, either a drop out of the beat, or new ideas/instruments to keep the energy flowing more throughout.

Some of the lead instruments felt a little buried at times, I'd check your overall balance between synths. Also, more beat variation overall is going to help things out.

NO (resubmit)

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Pretty nice intro, and I don't think I feel as strongly as the other two judges do about the arrangement being static, but it did nag at me. I thought the production was a little off, like there was a hole in the track where a lead should be and the bass regions were too crowded. Compression was also a tad high, though I know you're going for the effect. In all, I'd like to push for another version, but I think this is close to a pass.

NO (resubmit)

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