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*NO* Punch-Out!! 'Inside a Bad Decision'


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Esteemed Judges,

First of all, I apologize for this being an attachment and not a link. I'm new to production and such and don't really know how hosting works. I promise to learn by my next submission!

Remixer Name (and forum handle): A Gang Of Field Mice (userid: 7676)

Real Name: Daniel Somavilla

Email Address: dfsomavilla@gmail.com

No Website

Game Arranged: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

Name of Arrangement: Inside A Bad Decision

Songs Arranged: Get Up!!, Match BGM, & Training/Password

VERY long time listener, first time producer! Backstory: I was making a collection of mashups detailing the rise and fall of Mike Tyson (nevermind why). A pretty important point in his story comes when he was convicted of rape in 1992 and spent five years in prison, and I was having trouble coming up the right songs to use for this. Having realized that I also hadn't yet addressed what might be his greatest contribution to human progress in his eternally-popular 1987 NES game, I got an idea for this track.

I used Ableton Live to create the somewhat-minimalist trip-hop and DnB instrumental, and recorded samples from a vinyl LP from 197X called "The Sexual IQ Test" which was just a bunch of Yes-No, True-False questions asked by some very square-sounding people that was supposed to gauge how sexually enlightened you were. The questions to which the correct answer was "false" or "no" were statements that might have been somewhat morally equivocal in 197X, but by today's standards were downright neanderthal (such as, "it is the woman's responsibility to please the man in whatever way he sees fit" and that sort of thing). When I put these horrible-sounding suggestions on alternating left-and-right channels with some reverb and a ping-pong delay, it felt like the quietly sociopathic inner dialogue of a deeply disturbed person.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it! I'm happy to give back to the site that has been slowly taking over my music library since 2004. As I said, this is my first-ever production effort, period, not just for OCR. So, I know you guys are really busy but if you reject it, could you give me some constructive criticism? I'd like to fix it up and eventually re-submit, or just so I don't make the same mistakes on future submissions and waste even more of your time. I would really appreciate it!

Thanks so much and keep up the excellent work.




Found to the best of my abilities the sources

- Get up?

- training

- Fight/match?
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  • 3 weeks later...

The intro is really weird, lol.

I think it's an interesting experiment, but as a song i'm not really feeling it; It doesn't really focus on the source for the majority of the mix, and as such feels a little too off the rails. You definitely have a creative way of approaching the music, so I'd love to hear additional tracks you might have, but I gotta NO this one. :-(


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  • 2 weeks later...

eh, I dunno about the constant/delayed voice clips, they're interesting in the intro, but it gets a little distracting. bass was very overpowered, and overall the soundscape was pretty cluttered at times. some interesting plays on the source, I actually thought it was pretty conservative at times. howerver I agree with OA overall; I hope you continue making music and improving your craft, this one just didn't feel entirely cohesive to me.


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