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I Am Prepared (Remix of Pole Position Introduction Music)


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I have decided to do a remix of the opening theme of Pole position but if push comes to shove i'll have to add the high score theme for the bridge of the song or something. I'd be glad to hear from you guys about this song.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUU_F9TvXco

Remix: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8948398/I%20am%20Prepared%20-%20WIP%20for%20OCRemix.mp3

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After hearing the original for the first time, definitely some great potential for remixing here.

At 0:06, you've got a rapid succession of notes which is fabulous!

Then at the part that ends at 1:03, it sounds like you're building up to something big (but instead you just end the song). It would have been really fun if you had instead, thrown in another rapid succession similar to the one you had at 0:06.

At 0:38, it sounds like you're going into the Pokemon Red & Blue Gym music (http://youtu.be/biLeC5D4S48?t=16s). Though, I'm probably just saying that cos I like that game a lot.

Really good so far!

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To be honest, I think you should get straight to shove and work with the credits theme too. I see no reason why not to, I think it would bring more justice to the game to include both, since they are both short themes and together sum up the game experience quite nicely, no what I'm sayin?

Having said that, this sounds like a really fun mix. I think that second section comes in a bit too loud (synth guitar?). Is that YOUR voice that comes in doing the engine sound XD? That's a cute idea, and fits well. If you REALLY want to be obnoxious and funny, you could throw in a parody of that frog ringtone crap that was trending for a while back in the day. That might be overboard, but would be pretty f'n hilarious.

Anyway, this could also use some neat processing effects since it looks to be quite synth heavy. I would just go balls out with drum work and creative effects, have fun with it. I'm thinking SquarePusher, Aphex Twin, etc if you can pull that type of stuff off. But try to keep the theme somewhat intact at certain points or the judges will definitely bring that into question.

Looking forward to more.

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Sounds like a good idea. I actually used only sounds from the game to get the idea across for now (except the drums and the synth guitar). I think i'll have to record individual sounds from an instrument and then mix it together piano roll style. Modplug Tracker 1.16 FTW.

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I really like the direction this is heading! What a cool mix -- and from a greatly unexpected source. There's a couple of weird spots here and there but I don't know if It'd be too constructive to point them out right now, seeing that its still pretty incomplete. Keep it up, this one has golden potential!

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