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(With great help and advice from Tziras and walliman on youtube


After 6 years of making music, My first shred attempt (guitar if 4 1/2 years), Dont laugh, im not used to phrasing this fast and I decided to increase my speed to shred lvl this summer which I did (4-6 hours every night and Im still doing that), playing only rhythem stuff gets boring you know , and im so happy I broke the shred line of 160, and im going to stop at 250 because I find this fun:mrgreen:

not the best thing you will hear since its not really polished but give me a brake XD

read soundcloud comment as well.

Give tips and playing advice please!

Better then me!:mrgreen:

You playing 4-6 hours every night, am i correct?

I try to :o

I play the dorian scale (because of the versatile fingering that translate for me for some reason) slow for the first 10-20 min very slow(around 60 bpm) to warm-up, then I play my fastest for about 20 min straight then take brakes and try a faster speed :o, now I need to pratice more to maintain this speed :-\

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