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links: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/112364-Notch-Challenges-Bethesda-to-Lawsuit-Deathmatch


I think Notch might be one of the coolest people on this planet. The idea that legal lawsuits could be settled in deathmatch arena thrills me. In the near future, companies would hire pro e-sport teams to represent themselves in legal combats. Am I the only one that wants to see this happen?

links: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/112364-Notch-Challenges-Bethesda-to-Lawsuit-Deathmatch


I think Notch might be one of the coolest people on this planet. The idea that legal lawsuits could be settled in deathmatch arena thrills me. In the near future, companies would hire pro e-sport teams to represent themselves in legal combats. Am I the only one that wants to see this happen?

Problem is who's gonna be hiring whom.

I'm suddenly envisioning Activision hiring the likes of "myg0t" cheaters/griefers of five, seven years ago to win the arenas for them.

Would be nice but wouldn't work if we know one side is deliberately right and yet gets trounced by the other side.


I too would like to see it happen, but the lawyers that are pushing the "Sue Mojang for their infringement!" issue are probably not gamers and would not be inclined to settle the matter in such a way.

Still though, we can all hope.

Didn't Notch and Bethesda's Todd Howard recently sit down and cordially chat with each other before this mess started?

Didn't Notch and Bethesda's Todd Howard recently sit down and cordially chat with each other before this mess started?

Yes, they did. It seemed friendly enough, talking about what they liked about each others games... But maybe Mr Howard was using that opportunity to learn about his enemy?

Yes, they did. It seemed friendly enough, talking about what they liked about each others games... But maybe Mr Howard was using that opportunity to learn about his enemy?

let's not forget that the lawsuit is from Zenimax to Notch, and not Bethesda softworks or bethesda game studios. Todd Howard doesn't actually have a say in how this thing is going down.

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