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I did alot of original crap back in 06, then around 09 I got into remixing at newgrounds. I look at my past music, and now I say to myself, I used to sound like that hehe. :o

http://youtu.be/8e_zRlWgWnk ssbm, this was going to be a house track but I got a hiphop vib for some reason

http://youtu.be/go4ZBhNp9PE starfox, no comment. :o

These remixes dont sound all that great because I switched from cubase to FL studio around 09 because I heard cool things about its work flow and I did not know how to use the mixer (i used the channel faders lol), but I wanted to learn so I kept using it, no matter how bad I though my mixes were in FL. I got really good at fl, but then around mid 2010, I discovered ableton live 7 XD, and its the most kick ass daw I used since cubase XD.

http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-crater-v4-oc One of the first sonic remixes I made :P (I will link the full version when I find it)

http://youtu.be/gjDDvpSfwko mario galaxy from mid '2010, I think Im remaking this later

Edit:: found one, and it was a wip here :P

http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_873861&v=R30vy5OTtkQ&feature=iv bomberman

I lost ALOT of music over the years but I will post some of my 07 mixes that are mostly covers or being bored.

6 whole years of music since Late winter 2006, and my signature style and skills blossoms around late 09 to early 2010, with help from the gearslutz fourms,and dubstepfourms (and one person here) :o

HHAHAHA Im gunna go work with some general ms wavetable synths and make a nintendo 64 track, and then program a qudratic calculator in C++ or java lol

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