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Remixer: Koelsch1

Game: Chrono Trigger

Song Title: A Dark April 15th

Remix of the Moonlight Parade song from Chrono Trigger. Sort of a jazz song. I rearranged a lot of stuff. I changed the over all structure by switching one of the smaller parts of the original to the main theam of the remix, and switching the main parts to minor parts. I also took some stuff and reworked the rythms and threw that in with the songs progression. There is also a little bit of new stuff in there. I still suck at sequencing drums, so those arnt too great. The production level has improved greatly since my previous submissions.

For anyone interested in these type of details

Sax: Selmer SA 80 Alto

Mouthpiece: Otto Link STM #6

Reed: (Lead Sax) Rico #2/ (2nd Sax) Vandoren Java #3


not 10 seconds in and i hear clipping. another artifact around :35. the saxes sound really weak and far back. intonation isnt there. phrasing isnt there.

you still really need to practice your phrasing and your tone. practice long tones. before you are able to pull off the fast riffs you are shooting for, you need to get a concept of phrasing. start slow. mashing keys isnt phrasing. you need to consider not just the notes you play, but the rhythms you play as well.

Nothing i havent said before about koelsh's stuff.



I feel like I’m in the intro for an 80’s TV show :D . Interesting vibe here.

I enjoy most of the sax work but there’s little to back it up. Drum sequencing is pretty uninspired and the potential of the Ken Ardency soundfont isn’t realized at all. It really sounds like you EQ’d out the lows on the kick and toms. Bass sequencing could be a little more interesting, even for the feel you were going for. The piano sequencing is somewhat mechanical, but it wouldn't stand out as much if the other elements were done better.

This type of jam song is cool for a fade out imo, but the fade out can’t be as short as you have it here. e x t e n d i t.

Were the quality a lot better this would be a pretty cool interpretation of a great song. Not bad as-is but man I wish that sax player had a better band behind him. Work on the sequencing/mastering of the other instruments.



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Guardia Millenial Fair" (ct-1-06.spc)

Not bad bro. The mastering was a bit distant sounding and could afford to be sharpened up. I'm eagerly awaiting, and I don't mean this sarcastically, for the day when The Anti-Jazz here makes the most out of a sparsely constructed track and the ideas completely click together. Here, I felt like K1 was on the reasonably right track. I don't mind the drumwork being minimal, but oftentimes it did a poor job of flowing along with the material here to drive it along.

There were some points where (timing issues aside) the minimalist drumkit worked better in conjunction with the rest of the material (e.g. :21-1:01, 2:24-3:26) and other times where the beats were too plain, lazily plodded along and didn't gel well with the rest of the music (e.g. 1:03-1:19, 1:46-1:56).

2:07-2:25 brought out the unique Koelsch freestyle stuff, and again I've gotta bring up the complaints on the lack of coherent phrasing that Jesse always has, since they're a very legit criticism.

Wow, that fadeout was the epitome of bootleg. Sounds like you took the track, threw it in an free MP3 editor and told it to tack on a 3-second fadeout. Gimme a break, bro, don't make it sound so cheap. Lemme copy Harmony's suggestion - I loved it: e x t e n d i t.

If the mastering were a bit sharper, the sax work had more energy and power behind it, and the blander drum sections could be livened up while retaining the fairly minimalist approach you went for here, I could see this having a legit shot. The piano in particular sounded inhuman at times, but otherwise did a great job of accenting the piece when it was in play. Aside from that brief freestyle not clicking, I liked the concept of your arrangement a lot and thought it was very well thought out. Why not try for a resub? I thought there was promise here. I'll be keeping this one. Wish you could find a way to resub Valkyrie Profile "Blind Eternity" as well. Keep at it.

NO (rework/resubmit)


Agree with vig on this one, the sax sounds really plain and thin. Needs some kind of processing, reverb or short delays would benefit it.

Bad clipping at 7 sec in...

The drums sound very lifeless, as is the whole drum line. It sounds very lethargic. I would think about going back to the drawing board on this aspect.

Outside some of the sax issues, I actually enjoyed that a bit.

To me this sounds very sparse, I think this needs more bottom and middle frequencies. Bump up the bass, how about adding some soft pads to fill out the voids here?

Did you just give up by the end? Pretty abrupt and not fulfilling.

There is potential here, but as is, the clipping, bland drums, sparse composition lead me to a NO. Keep at it, you have a lot of potential.

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