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Remixer Name: Bill Efting

Real Name: Bill Efting

Email Address: bill.efting@gmail.com

Website: www.hyperguy.net/billefting

Game Remixed: Chrono Trigger

Song: Battle With Magus

This is my first submission to OCR, and I hope it to not be my last, I've been a fan of this song for a while and I know it's been done to death...but I felt I should put my own guitar rock touch to it, this was the final result. I appreciate your time, thank you.




Bill Efting



Gee, you've got a lot of distortion on the guitar. Given the style of music, it seems to me that a tone with a less distortion and more clarity would have made more sense. There's also a muffled, "distant" quality to the recording of the guitar. It simply doesn't sit well in the rest of the mix. And the drums are basically acting like a metronome; they really need to be spiced up a bit.

Combine that with an arrangement that isn't particularly interpretive and only a stone's throw away from "cover" and I have to side with a



http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/ct.rsn - "Battle with Magus" (ct-2-24.spc) & "Sara's Theme" (ct-3-06.spc)

The production was really unpolished here. Everything sounded rough and cluttered with the electric guitar work, the percussion was plodding, boring, and very lazily done, and the Magus melody just mushed into the support work. I liked the clock tower bell and original work from 1:17-1:32.

In any case, needs a lot more work on EQing. You have nothing at all in the high range frequencies at all. Arrangement wasn't particularly creative with the Magus theme or the Schala usage at 3:30. And the track abruptly cut out at 4:07. Izz nailed all of the important issues here. Needs more creativity (get some WIP forum feedback) and better presentation (ReMixing info and tips). Better luck next time.


Gee, you've got a lot of distortion on the guitar. Given the style of music, it seems to me that a tone with a less distortion and more clarity would have made more sense. There's also a muffled, "distant" quality to the recording of the guitar. It simply doesn't sit well in the rest of the mix. And the drums are basically acting like a metronome; they really need to be spiced up a bit.

Combine that with an arrangement that isn't particularly interpretive and only a stone's throw away from "cover" and I have to side with a


Exactly. Hate to be so brief, but Israfel nailed this one. I have nothing more to add to his perfect reasoning. Needs quite a lot of work at this point. NO


Yeah, there are some production problems here that need to be resolved. The levels on everything are super quiet. The guitar would fit in a lot better if there was a really fat bass behind it. As it is, the live bass gets swallowed by the guitar distortion and only makes an appearance when the bass player hits a string too hard. I would make the bass more present and compress it so that the performance is more consistent. The drums need some punch as well. Low EQ on the kick and some highs on the snare would be nice (not to mention a little more creative drum sequencing). Not much more to say. Good guitar work. Keep working at it.


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