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ReMixer name: Armagon

Real name: Stephen Alexander

Email address: ArmagonNo1@gmail.com

Website: http://www.mp3.com.au/StephenAlexander/

UserID: 25728

Game ReMixed: Gunstar Heroes

Comment: This was my first attempt at a remix. I've always had a great love of the game Gunstar Heroes, which is why it disappointed me to see so only ONE remix from it on Overclocked Remix. This spurred me into taking a crack at doing one myself. I think it's as complete as it's ever going to be, as I really don't have the motivation to invest more time into it.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the original composer's name, so if you know who it is please fill the blank for me. ><


Stephen Alexander

aka Armagon


http://www.zophar.net/gym/gunstar.rar - 89.gym (starts :12 in)

Well, we'd have two Gunstar Heroes mixes if Quinn Fox would stop hating on his own material and submit "Redrun Green." Punk.

Anyway, this'll be short and sweet. This was actually a decent use of some stock trance/electronica synths.

Why does this abysmally fail then? Well, it reaches 2:09 and simply repeats. Then again at 4:29. Mix even cuts out abruptly at 5:07 and goes on for 13 seconds worth of silence. Did I mention this was just a genre adaptation mix that's structured the same as the original? These are the hallmarks of the beginner (i.e. n00b).

More interpretation, foo'. More variation, foo'. This vote is done.



I would really like to see more Gunstar Heroes remixes on this site, as the game has excellent music.

This mix is rather 'boom-tish' as far as percussion is concerned, and also rather repetitive. I feel that it's not as innovative as it could have been, there was a lot of scope to expand. I don't think that as it is the mix is worthy of a whole 5 minutes, and it's not up to the OC bar imo.



I agree with the others here. Way too repetitive, even for a trance mix. Cut out the large amounts of fat and focus on the meat next time. Beats are also way too repetitive, almost sounds like you programmed something simple in a drum machine and just let it on or used loops; mix it up bro.

There's not much here that doesn't scream generic in my view. That's not a bad thing, I mean this mix is certainly above average and there's nothing terribly wrong here. It's certainly something electronica listeners might enjoy, but at this point it really isn't up to the bar.

More arrangement, more variation/expansion, more creativity with synth design/processing and drumwork is needed. NO


There are some cool parts to this mix (0:43-1:11, 1:55-2:09). Unfortunately it’s entirely too repetitive as has already been mentioned. My nugget of improvement wisdom: Look at more selectively applying reverb. Here, elements seem to swim in their own echoes and in general I think this piece would work much better with a sharper sound. Keep working at it.


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