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*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Chrono Trigger Revisited'


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Contact Information:

ReMixer Name: The Sap Special

Real Name: Phillip Spiller

E-Mail: mrspiller88@gmail.com

Submission Information:

Name of Game Arranged: Chrono Trigger

Name of Arrangement: Chrono Trigger Revisited

Name of Individual Song Arranged: Secret of the Forest

Additional Information/ Comments : A Rework of the Guardia Forest theme from the 1995 Super Nintendo Game Chrono Trigger.

Special thanks to FL Studio Direct Wave software and the users of BitTorrent.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Interesting start of the track; the string articulations felt rather mechanical, but the gates made it interesting. The idea is cool, but it definitely wears out it's welcome eventually, and the semi-static beat isn't helping things.

Some of the runs were pretty well done, and the idea is cool, but the constant full-track gating is just too much. It's like taking a sandwich and dumping an entire bottle of ketchup over it. The gating works as a condiment, but not as a main dish. Also somewhat strange that the drums cut out early on, never to be heard from again.

I think there is something here, but it needs a good deal of revision and polish.

No, please resubmit

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I thought the start of the track was really unique, and quite awesome to listen to. I'm going to fully agree with Andrew on this that you've taken a really cool effect, and used it quite a lot, which diminishes it's awesomeness. I'd like you to treat the effect with some more care to really make it stand out.

Otherwise, again as OA has said, your drums are a bit uninteresting and could be spiced up. Them cutting out is weird as well; a small cut out makes a nice break, but when they don't come back, I'm left wondering about them.

Creative start, but you need to add some more to it.

NO (resubmit)

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Gotta agree that the way the gating is used here is pretty bludgeoning. I'd recommend toning it down a little bit and only using on some instruments rather than the whole track (at least, that's what it sounds like you're doing). It's a cool effect but way overused.

I think you have a pretty decent track in here somewhere, but the mixing could use some work and the drums are pretty bland. I also think it could use more variation from the original, though the gating approach itself lends this some rearrangement.

NO (resubmit)

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