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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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i has a shuvel

Remobilizing? So we got a release date again, ie. do you have inside info as to when the S3K project is being released? Oh, right, I guess the release date for S3K isn't much a secret LOL. Checked the project thread for that. But do we have a date?

or wut u mean by remoblizin !?1+!?1 ??11

Also, dudes and dudettes on the project comment on my remix plzkthx.

Sorry, I have a math exam in 50 minutes and I've had a bit of coffee.

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And here it is, the first


in awhile. :P

First, let me get the disappointing news out there: the project won't be released until 2007. I'm sure it was fairly obvious at this point, but I figured it'd be good to make it official.

With Project Chaos finally primed and ready to rock faces off this weekend, I think now is a good time to get back to our regularly scheduled program. We're close to complete, but there hasn't been much progress: That should (and will) change starting now.

Final songs are due DECEMBER 31ST, 2006. Unlike the July date that was pushed back and resulted in our extended low activity period, this date will firmly stand. If your song is not in to me before 2007, it will not be included on the project. I think this is a rather generous date considering how long some of you remixers have had to work on your songs, but since the issues with Last Battle, I wanted to ensure that the groups that started remixing that song had enough time to do what they needed. I will be checking regularly with those who are not done and keeping in touch for status reports. I'm really expecting a lot of work to be put in as we head towards completion, so don't let me down here!

As for release, right now we're looking at late January. I can't set a solid date because I'm not sure how long PriZm will take with mastering, and because there are still some details that will need finalizing. It's tentative though, so if we're pushed back, then that's what happens.

That should about cover it. Now, WORK! :P

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You have feedback, kAndyJoker09 (creative!).

Also, I have come up with a new dealio: Those who don't respond by December 1st to the email/PM I sent out will be booted them from the project and a last-minute replacement will be culled. Don't got time to sit and wait for people to respond to these things weeks after they get them. This should only apply to about 4 of you, and 2 have already replied, so I don't suspect we'll have a major problem. Chances are if you didn't get an email or a PM, you're clear. Feel free to contact me and make sure though.

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hope this is the definitive deadline date Mr Kyle.

Hey, don't look at me: Those pesky remixers are the ones who are causing so much gosh darn trouble 'round these here parts! :P

I'm a bit worried about the lack of response from Mythril Nazgul and Reuben...Where are you guys? Also gotta get a hold of the SnappleMan here soon...

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Btw, is the track list locked? Ok, maybe I'm about a year late asking this. :lol: I'm just thinking in case someone decides to submit a finished mix of something that's not being worked on before the deadline, and it's of high enough quality to be usable, could it be included in the project? I'm not saying I will.. but I'm not saying I won't. ;) I have some ideas for a remix of the third overworld theme from ToP, but I've sort of got my hands full as it is..

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:)!! Ok! I hope I find the time to get that done before the deadline as well then.

That would be the song Final Act, right? Just to be sure.

Also, if you have trouble hitting the deadline, talk to me: I'm open for negotiations (so long as the entire project isn't trying to negotiate with me at the last second, :lol:).

That's the one! Deadlines, ok, good to know. Let's see when they loom closer. ;)

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The website will be going down for a while (hopefully less than a day, but it may be a little more) while I migrate the site to a new webhost. Don't really have much of a choice, because my current host is closing at the end of the year. Hopefully things will go smoothly!

The site should remain up for about 12 more hours, but after that it's going down for a bit.

EDIT: Okay, I lied. The new server's still not set up yet. But if the site DOES go down sometime, you'll all at least know what's up. :P

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