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Hey everybody,

This is my first post, but I have been coming here for quite some time--the music is amazing!

Now, I could really use some help involving a project I want to begin working on for a class I am taking. I have to make a remix and the Professor has given me the greenlight for adding my own drum track to an 8-bit medley. We are using GarageBand for the project.

My problem is finding the tempo to certain VG themes. I need to program the drum track in GarageBand, but I need the tempo of the sample so my drums will line up correctly.

I'm a drummer and hope to program the beats I play while jamming out on my acoutstic kit to these awesome 8bit tracks. Can anybody help me along or provide any guidance? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Um, north? :P

Line up the first beat to the beginning of an empty project. You may need to cut out some intro from the audio if it doesn't start on the beat, or all the previous tracks if the medley's already done and uses tracks with different tempos.

Then turn on/create a metronome, and hit play. Raise tempo if you find the metronome to be too slow, lower if too fast. If the tempo is close, it'll take some bars before it'll be noticeably ahead/behind the audio. Write down the right tempo for that track. Load new audio file/cut a new part of the medley, repeat. :)

So there is no particular program which allows one to find the tempo of any given song?

Some programs have find tempo features, but they don't necessarily give an accurate result. You'd basically need to double-check what it tells you yourself by doing what Rozovian mentioned, so I don't think there's much point in using a find tempo feature in the first place.


Shoot, guys. I don't know what happened, but I'm 8 measures in (finally found the correct tempo) and right at beat 1 of measure 9 something happens and my drum track is suddenly out of time...

Am I missing something? Why is it completely synced up for eight measures and then suddenly messes up?

Shoot, guys. I don't know what happened, but I'm 8 measures in (finally found the correct tempo) and right at beat 1 of measure 9 something happens and my drum track is suddenly out of time...

Am I missing something? Why is it completely synced up for eight measures and then suddenly messes up?

Either there's a tempo change, or an extra beat or something, or you didn't get the right tempo. With a tempo that's close, you'll probably have something that works for a few measures before being noticeably off.

For the first, find the right tempo for the new part and change the global tempo at that point, if GB can do that. For the second, just remember the extra beat when playing and recording. For the third, redo the tempo check and check further than last time.

Or it could be a change in time signature, which especially with odd-numbered times can screw a lot with ppl's sense of rhythm.


There are alot of variables trying to do what you are doing and it's going to be tough to get some solid playing. I know because when I first started trying to transcribe music years ago I did so in a very similar way. It didn't work. If your DAW's metronome is off by even a tenth or a hundredth it might sound in sync for awhile but once it get's off beat you're going to make a mess of your sequencer while you try to stay on.

Your best bet is to either recreate the tune yourself such as a rearrangement or, dare i say it, a REMIX. Or, since you are a drummer, can you record yourself playing while you play the original audio? If you know someone who has an eletronic drum set you can record yourself in midi then go back and make adjustments. Or record yourself in audio if you have confidence in your playing. Trying to program drums like that is going to take a real good ear and you'll need to find the exact placement of each hit against the original audio.


Well darn, here I thought I was going to have a great deal of fun with it. I would record myself through my electric kit, but the assignment for my class is strictly to use the software...

I guess if it's going to be this complicated, and since this class isn't even my major or anything I'm thinking I should scrap the idea.

If only I could re-create the songs on Garageband. That would make this a whole lot easier. Well, in any case, thanks for being so helpful everybody!


Humanizing can be as time consuming as you want it to be which makes it a very powerful tool/excuse. :mrgreen:

If you are using midi drums WITH the software you are still using strictly the software. Just with a differently shaped mouse to input the data.

I've never used garageband so i'm pretty worthless from this point on, though my last bit of advice would be to always find ways to work around/through what you think are limitations. It's only over when you give up on it.


I totally agree, I just don't have the kind of time I think I need to really accomplish what I want to, given how busy my course load is as of right now.

But ya know what--I'll give it another couple of days. If I really can't get this to work and the whole tempo issue drives me nuts, then I'll do something different. :)!!


That's a nice offer, although the project is due tomorrow at 4 and I am unsure as to whether any feedback would make it back in time for me to make changes, since it is not quite finished.

Although, I was able to do it! Everything matches up pretty well and I was able to re-create my jam sessions through the programming tools. I have the basic Garageband so I was limited to only one Rock Kit--I'm aware that other installments have a wide arrangement of different sounding kits. Even still, I'm happy with how it came out and all I have to do now is put the four MP3 files together to make my medley!

Thanks for all the help you guys, I'm happy I made an account to participate in these forums. If I can get it so the medley can be downloaded and listened to I'll be sure to do that.

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