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Exit Strategy - An experiment in merging several gut-busting electronic genres

Phonetic Hero

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This is basically an experiment in merging several different styles together, and adding in my weirdo syncopation heavy drum sequencing style. Actually took the time to figure out dubstep bass, and it's every bit as easy as I assumed... and I'm actually not a big fan of mainstream dubstep. However, BGC's "The Clubbing of Isaac" and zircon's "Ashes to Ashes" inspired me to try tasteful addition of wobble bass, since they proved that it CAN be done without overwhelming a track (suck on that, Skrillex...)

Anyway, enjoy, download, and gimme feedbax!!

Exit Strategy


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This is basically an experiment in merging several different styles together, and adding in my weirdo syncopation heavy drum sequencing style. Actually took the time to figure out dubstep bass, and it's every bit as easy as I assumed... and I'm actually not a big fan of mainstream dubstep. However, BGC's "The Clubbing of Isaac" and zircon's "Ashes to Ashes" inspired me to try tasteful addition of wobble bass, since they proved that it CAN be done without overwhelming a track (suck on that, Skrillex...)

Anyway, enjoy, download, and gimme feedbax!!


Hey, I like Skrillex :P

But perhaps that's the 7-years since exorcised emo kid within me having fond memories of Sonny's old band From First to Last. Let's hope not.

Anyway, I clicked every single word in your OP before moving to checking each letter...



sounds like you may need an **pfft** ENTRANCE STRATEGY if you want feedback.

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However, BGC's "The Clubbing of Isaac" and zircon's "Ashes to Ashes" inspired me to try tasteful addition of wobble bass, since they proved that it CAN be done without overwhelming a track (suck on that, Skrillex...)


I'm with you there. I find most straight-up dubstep really boring, however if it's used in moderation and with other elements, it can turn out really nicely.

Aaaaand, you did it really well :)

Great song!

The last ten seconds hurt my ears though :S

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Great song!

The last ten seconds hurt my ears though :S

Thanks! Yeah, I really biffed production during the last section with some EQ'ing, and need to lower the volume on the gradual distortion adding even farther than it already is. I blew it (for the second time in this thread)


Apologies, I'll fix it tonight, I promise


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Soooooo you wanted some feedback fellow Mega Baller...

Love the intro... niiiiiice bass. It sounds really crisp and punchy, I like it. The drums and effects there in the intro sound well sequenced as well.

The main synth has a good sound to it. Melody is pretty groovy. The part at 1:10 bugged me a bit though. Something sounds out of key, that background pad or something. It just clashes. It goes away at 1:22 when the instrument stops. I like the transition after that part, nice change of pace. The out-of-key sounding thing comes back in at 2:10 :whatevaa:

I don't think you need to do much with the "exit strategy" har har, it didn't hurt my ears that much. It was a little harsh, but I think it fit well within the context of the song. Maybe just adjust the EQ. Oh and I'm talking about the ending BTW :-)

Nice stuff man, can't wait to hear what you do in the WCRG compo. Speaking of, I need to get back to work!

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The snare roll at 0:09 is very dry and mechanical. Sounds a little odd. The kick is also EQ'd a little strangely, for sure.

The first melodic lick sweet, so is the synth.

So many resonant synths, hah :P got a thing for that sound, do ya?

Just wondering... are you using presets a lot? Most of these sounds have a "preset" feel to them. Ignore the fact that makes no sense.

OH, and again with a sick melody around 2:00.

Cool little transition at 2:40 followed by some nice thrashing.

The dubstep elements of the song are pretty weak, to be honest. The wobble is a very vanilla wobble. No wonky effects or anything :[

Well, sir, you can write a hell of a melody. A hellody, if you will (it's ok if you won't). Almost sounds like you have a guitar background.

AAND another resonant synth to round out the mix :P

Well, I thought this was overall pretty badass. I'd have to listen again (no time now) to make more accurate statements about the production, but I think that aspect was good with a little room for more attention to EQing.

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The snare roll at 0:09 is very dry and mechanical. Sounds a little odd. The kick is also EQ'd a little strangely, for sure.

The first melodic lick sweet, so is the synth.

So many resonant synths, hah :P got a thing for that sound, do ya?

Just wondering... are you using presets a lot? Most of these sounds have a "preset" feel to them. Ignore the fact that makes no sense.

OH, and again with a sick melody around 2:00.

Cool little transition at 2:40 followed by some nice thrashing.

The dubstep elements of the song are pretty weak, to be honest. The wobble is a very vanilla wobble. No wonky effects or anything :[

Well, sir, you can write a hell of a melody. A hellody, if you will (it's ok if you won't). Almost sounds like you have a guitar background.

AAND another resonant synth to round out the mix :P

Well, I thought this was overall pretty badass. I'd have to listen again (no time now) to make more accurate statements about the production, but I think that aspect was good with a little room for more attention to EQing.

The snare "roll" was more a sliced thing, sort of supposed to sound like one note just got stuck and repeated. And I guess the kick is pretty heavy in the highs, I'll have to revisit it. It's probably that most of the time I just EQ the drums all together so I don't have to split tracks for my glitch plug-in, but I guess I can stop being so lazy if it's for the best...

Glad you dig the melodies, that's the most important thing in writing for me :)

I do like my thick soundscapes... I also have a soft spot for phased and flanged sounds, if you didn't pick up on that haha

I used a lot of triple oscilators, but yeah, when I'm not using those, I end up using a few presets on poizone or something (pretty much the only synth plug-in I've bought, since I'm so damn poor). I try to tweak the hell out of them though, because I do feel like I'm cheating or something when I just use a preset straight up.

I'll have to go back and revamp the dub basses too... like I said, I'm not a huge dubstep fan, so I don't have a whole lot to go off of, inspiration-wise. Good thing that halc fellow put out a sexy new chipstep album :)

Glad you dug all the melodies; no guitar background on me though. As far as performance goes, I'm a percussionist. But really, more of a drummer... I can play percussion instruments, and not TOO badly, but nothing gets me going than playing a good drum segment. And not even so much drumset anymore (haven't played in about 2 years...), but more drumline, which is even nerdier. djp would be proud. However, when it comes to writing, nothing is more important to me than a good melody. Glad it's coming through

I'd be pretty grateful if you wanted to crit more on production when you have time, that seems to be my weak point at the moment.

Sorry for the novel of a reply, I await further feedback from any and all who are brave enough/up to the task of listening to my tunes

EDIT: Also, I'm gonna have to name a piece "Hellody." I will.

And SuperiorX! Didn't even see that you commented at first. Glad you like it, for the most part. The pad you're hearing at 1:10 etc. was used to create some dissonant tension, it seemed to me like it'd be pretty fitting for the section. Probably won't be changing it unless I hear a lot more about it. I'll definitely have to revist the EQing, and in a lot more places that I thought. I'll probably still gradually drop the volume on the end just slightly, so that it's not a crescendo effect, just adding distortion. Or maybe I'll start the gated bass softer, and still bring it up. Idk, this one needs more work, obviously :)

One of my buddies, who's listened to a lot of dubstep, had some more ideas on the dub bass and sections where the drums could fit better. He doesn't really write, but I'm going to make him start over winter break, and get an OCR account :)

Thanks again everyone, if you've got more for me, keep it comin'!

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Slight update: now with crunchier bass! Also layered some of the drums for some additional punch... I'm getting increasingly unhappy with how the snare is reacting with the bass though, what with the weird cutoff at times. I might just up the pitch and see if it cuts any better; if not, I'll probably just end up replacing the whole damn drum. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd be glad to hear 'em


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