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hi. made a doom remix some time ago. here:

ReMixer name : 1ink

Name of game(s) ReMixed : Doom 2

e-mail: amuarabarot@hotmail.com

website: http://www.routa.herwood.net



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http://www.dongrays.com/midi/archive/game/d2/d2map10.mid - "The Demon's Dead"

Pretty conservative-but-decent buildup for the first minute or so. A little bit slow as far as getting into the meat of the track. 1:10 featured some beefy guitar work entering in to keep up with the additive feel of the arrangement. Slightly unorthodox approach doing the shredding much louder and over the top of the melody.

There were some points like 1:50-2:30, where the melody was too obscured thanks to the guitar work being too prominent. Also, from 2:10-2:30, the melody was so obscured that it seemed as if the guitar work wasn't accentuating anything, but simply original material dominating over the top of the source material. Same sound balance issues from 2:49-3:29, which really was a shame. The mid-range was really cluttered and loud, so please do whatever you can via more judicious EQing to keep the energy good but separate some of the sounds a bit.

I'd really like to see the source material from 1:50-onward given a more prominent position, as well as have the source be further rearranged instead of being so straightforward. I really wouldn't mind if the source melody was simply given more of a supporting role, because the guitar work was fairly good, but too much of the track involved the source itself being flat-out buried in the track as if you didn't want it to be heard. To me, it prevented the various sounds from effectively harmonizing together.

NO (rework/resubmit)


I really hate to not pass this one, as on the whole I think this is pretty good, but the main problem that Larry mentioned is both too distracting and too easy to fix to let slide. That problem of course being that the rhythm guitars almost entirely drown out the main theme for the majority of mix. Otherwise, this is fun, if fairly conservative, piece- it just needs a little tweaking.



If the mainmelody actually varied to some degree, I think the overlapping EQ problem would be an issue. Or maybe it's these speakers, but it's not that big a deal for me.

I like the arrangement. Conservative. Sure. Repetative? Certainly. But it works.

I'm going to YES it, though if a vast majority of my peers suggest a resubmition with better EQ, then I default to their divine wisdom.

I really hate to not pass this one, as on the whole I think this is pretty good, but the main problem that Larry mentioned is both too distracting and too easy to fix to let slide. That problem of course being that the rhythm guitars almost entirely drown out the main theme for the majority of mix. Otherwise, this is fun, if fairly conservative, piece- it just needs a little tweaking.


Israfel to the rescue! I agree.

Loved the intro and the creepy vibe with my weakness, synth bells. But let's recap the main issues, the rhythm guitars are way too powerful and a conservative arrangement almost equals a NO in the panel; unless if you're Wingless who seems to be getting outside funding from Al Davis.

The mix really needs more interpretation and expansion with the arrangement. Bring your own style to the table by manipulating or expanding the harmonic or melodic content more. In this case more elements would be a positive addition to sit between the guitar and beatwork.

Fun listen, but it needs more work on at least expanding the arrangement. This is what OCR is all about after all. NO


For this genre I don’t have a problem with the limited level of arrangement. There is a great drive to this mix that screams “Doom” and while more development would have been nice, I think the mix does it’s job. I do however agree that the rhythm guitars are overwhelming for too much of the mix and in general the mid-range is over-stuffed. All-in-all this is a simple and enjoyable track. Fix the sound balance issues and send this one back. …oh snap, unintentional rhyme.

NO (Please Resubmit)

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