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Spy Movie Theme


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yknow this isn't that bad considering the sounds, it feels pretty stealthy and spy'ish. But being so repetitive and lacking some sort of melody or motif is what lets it down. It lacks character. But the percussion and ambient nature is pretty spot on musically. This reminds me of my really old Goldeneye remix haha. If you were to do something like this again I'd recommend building some sort of mood, perhaps go from ambient to a touch more dramatic just to really get a feel for the song.

I'm surprised at the lack of comments, this board used to be pretty good with support and feedback. I think if you want to get comments and improve your work more from that it's probably a safe bet to try mixing some songs and posting in the wip remixes board.

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gotta agree with comment below - it all sounds good but there's just not much musical material. Some of the delay'd synth sounds suggest they a slight melody but aren't distinct enough to be hummable. This is certainly stealthy etc. - think about altering the two chord structure to create some drama and further tension. The strings seem like they've been generally used well. Perhaps you could change the drum pattern or build up more percussion parts also.

Also you could think about including another harmony instrument other than just the strings as at 0:58ish it sounds very bare. Perhaps a pad in the background.

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