DragonAvenger Posted December 4, 2011 Posted December 4, 2011 Good Day, My name is Gaute Vist Grong, my remixer name is GVGguy, user ID: 47725. My e-mail is gvggrong@gmail.com... Yeah, the one you guys are recieving from right now. My webpage would be... This one? www.youtube.com/user/gvgkid The arrangement is a theme for the game Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth The arrangement's name is ''Howl out, wolf!'', It is an arrangement of ''Speak up, pup!'' The Game was released for the DS in 2010 by Capcom. It's composers are Noriyuki Iwadare and Yasuko Yamada. Link to original soundtrack: Own thoughts about the arrangement: I had quite fun making this arrangement, when I first heard the original, I immedeatly felt like making an arrangement being as close to the original, while having instruments that sound more realistic. The finished version of that project can be found here: I was quite pleased with how it turned out to be, however some time later, I was playing around with that arrangement on FL Studio, and heard how it sounded pretty damn awesome if the tone and tempo was put up a bit, thus I decided to make a version of my own arrangement, where I aplied the earlier mentioned changes, plus som extra sounds and a proper ending in order to give the song a more dance-/discoclubish feel and later decided to put it up here. Looking forward to know if it is worth putting up. Sincerely GVG
Emunator Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Hah, now here's something I've never heard before This is an extremely unique style that sounds like it'd be right at home in the soundtrack for a game like Wario Ware. Even though this pretty closely follows the structure of the original song, you've got a decent amount of personalization present, mainly in how you adapted the original to the much faster upbeat tempo. The adaptation is definitely the main selling point of this remix, and it really excels at taking the source and turning it into something totally different while still sounding pretty close to the original. That said, the arrangement is pretty conservative even with all things considered, which may or may not hurt you in other judges votes. However, it sounds like you're trying pretty hard to emulate the sound of a Nintendo DS game, and the weakness of the samples is kind of a sore spot as a result. The sounds you're using for the mix would work just fine as part of a soundtrack for a video game, but the guitar and sax sounds specifically are too fake-sounding for my liking as far as OCRemix production standards are concerned I think this would be really cool if you could replace or sequence those samples more realistically, and truthfully it's difficult to objectively review a mix that's in such an off-the-wall style, but it's not quite cutting it for me. Hope to see this again! NO (resubmit)
DragonAvenger Posted December 22, 2011 Author Posted December 22, 2011 I agree that the genre change makes for an interesting listen, and I like what you've got so far, but as Emu mentioned, the overall source is pretty conservative, and I think you need to have more development and personalization in here. The track definitely sounds like it's meant to be a soundtrack, with a loop incorporated, and that would be the time for you to really add your flair. Samples are the other big weakpoint. Emu called it again with the sax and guitar especially. I'd see about pulling in some better samples and adding more humanization to them as well (the sax is playing super straight, no vibrato, rhythmic variance, etc). This defnitely needs some work, IMO, but it's a neat idea that I hope you stick with. I'd use our WIP forums to get some further advice. NO
halc Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 sharing a lot of the same concerns as previous judges; guitar sample, rigid sax sequencing, and general conservativeness in regards to the actual composition. I don't think this is too far below the bar but it has the potential to really rock out. hope to hear a resubmission sometime. NO(resub)
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