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*NO* Chrono Cross 'Dreamwave'


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Your ReMixer name: Hakstock

Your real name: Ivan Hakštok

Your e-mail address: hakstock@gmail.com

Your userid: 43292

Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Cross

Name of arrangement: Dreamwave

Name of individual song(s) arranged: On the Banks of a Dream: Another World

Link to the original soundtrack:

Your own comments about the mix: After a plethora of discarded ideas, I finally managed to make a great remix for this song, which is also my favourite game song of all time. I remember when I played through CC, I would just put my ps1 joystick away and listen to it until I decided it's time to progress the game a bit further. Maybe that's why it took me 2 years to beat the game lol. But enough about my nostalgia, let's talk about this mix. Or even better, I'll let the mix talk for me, enjoy listening to it ;)

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Easily my favorite source from the game, too!

I like the groove you've set up, it's chill, but there's plenty of movement as well. Arrangementally (I guess that's not really a word, but meh) there are some great ideas going on, but there are a few things that aren't working for me. The first is the drum loops; without any fills or variation, they're killing the mood. I'd take a hard look at your percussion and see what you can do to have it really reflect what's going on. They can help support the soundscape or they can detract. The second issue I'm having is the breakdown section at 1:29 isn't working for me, but is just stopping the flow. I think it might be suited better towards the end of the mix rather than in the front end. You also need to look into a better ending. Fade-outs are tough, and in this case it feels more of a cop-out.

Production is overall good to me, but I'd bring up the bass a bit, and maybe the drums down just a tad. Some elements could use a touch of humanization, as well (drums, I'm looking at you). There's something else I can't quite put my finger on, maybe the other judges can pick it out.

I think you've got a solid foundation on this, and need to go into the reworking stage. Try moving some stuff around, and adding those details to bring this up!

NO (resubmit)

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Despite having such a simple, vanilla soundscape, you're able to conjure a pretty unique vibe from this remix. The arrangement itself is solid, you move through melodies at a smooth, natural pace. The breakdown that Deia pointed out is the only sore spot that I think could be ironed out without killing your momentum so much. Fadeout didn't bother me too much, but it's not a very strong choice either.

12/30 - redacted the point about the few bars missing a melody, listening back it's not really an issue.

Main issue here is your drums in general. I don't feel like your samples are really clicking with the rest of the soundscape and the writing doesn't gel with the arrangement. There's not a lot of synergy there and it's hurting the track significantly.

Please send this one back to us with some revisions, I like what you did but it's gonna need more polish before it's mixpost-ready.

NO (resubmit!)

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