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*NO* Streets of Rage 'Starry Night in the Sexy City'

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Remixer Name: Garpocalypse

Forum ID 31287


Name of game(s) arranged Streets of Rage

Name of arrangement Starry Night in the Sexy City

Name of individual song(s) arranged Streets of Rage- Title

This piece is something that I have been working on for a long time. My goal when I started was to develop a remix that was a study in contrasts but had an overall relaxed tone to it. Then I gave up on it. Though I've given up on this one several times now i've always come back to it once I learned something new. Each time I posted it to the forums I received some great crits that helped me to develop it further. Now I think, It's ready for a pass at the Judges.


As suggested by one of the workshop mods here is a quick writeup on how I used the source

Intro- Almost verbatim from the source with an homage to Victor Wooten's Sifu

A section- Guitar is playing the intro melody with a few liberties

Piano is rolling the piano chords from the source

B section- Piano is playing a variation on the intro which then gets restated by the flute then the guitar.

C section-Straight from the last half of the original source played by guitar, piano then flute.

While I played with the melody a little bit I don't think I took it to the point of it being unrecognizable so it should pass the 50% rule.

  • 1 month later...

excellent choice of source here. this mix had some good things going for it. I agree that you approached it in an interesting way and it was difficult to wrap my head around at first, but I felt a little more grounded to the source by the melody then the backing (after reading your writeup, I expected it to be the other way around :P). the track felt a little repetitive, but I think this was due to the instrumentation not changing up much throughout the track moreso than the arrangement itself.

some of the timing in the piano sequencing feels off to me, like it was humanized randomly. dunno, perhaps another judge will chime in on that. the bass sequencing and articulations was stiff though, it's really noticeable when at 1:25, when it's playing those exposed 16th/8th note frills.

overall, a solid foundation. the production end of things however still need some polish.



Personally I felt like the sounndscape wasn't quite where it should be. The flute has a very quiet attack that makes it difficult to really make out when it's landing, and the timing feels off as a result. The bass also feels pretty upfront, and could be balanced a little better with the other instruments. The guitar is a little thin, and definitely fake sounding; this is exaggerated due the overall sparse background. I think there could be some adjustments and change-ups that will let things gel together better.

Arrangement-wise I think you have some good ideas, but near the end things feel very auto-pilot, like you've lost steam. The ending transition is a bit rough as well, and feels sudden. Halc is right that it overall is feeling a bit repetitive as you go along, partly due to the instruments not changing up much. I'd suggest having a section that is more drastically different to give the listener something fresh before returning back to your original setup.

It's a good start, but you've also got some work ahead of you.

NO (resubmit)


Sorry, I'm required to make that joke each time this source gets remixed. I like a lot of what's going on here, but there's some sizable problems. Let's start with the bass. It's a little too prominent for what is an atmospheric song and something with less presence would probably sit better. Some of the repeated bass notes also sound very fake. The piano and pads probably should have held more of the space instead. The flute has a strange sound, but I think you used it pretty effectively when doubling it with the piano. That was a good way to mask the shortcomings with it. The drums were actually the most prominent element, which was odd. Probably would have worked better with the flute or piano taking lead.

That's in addition to the fine comments that have already been pointed out. Keep at this one because your general concept is good. I think with some work this can be really solid.

NO (resubmit)

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