DusK Posted December 20, 2011 Posted December 20, 2011 Current Version: VERSION 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started working on this piece a bit ago when I was going stir crazy on Generation Gap and wasn't sure I had another Sonic remix in me. I noticed a lot more Whirlwind covers on YouTube, and felt it was take to take my relationship with that song to the next level. Inspiration hit, and here we are. Source: Remix (v2): http://tindeck.com/listen/gtmy Feedback welcome. Let's get this sucker on the front page. Quote
Jamphibious Posted December 20, 2011 Posted December 20, 2011 I love this game and I love this song. Pretty cool remix. This is the only song thats ever been remixed and posted on here, but this is definitely a nice take on the song, and its definitely one of the best songs from the game. I thought it was going to be another electronica mix until dat guitar came in. I really do dig this. If anything maybe the drums could use just a bit more humanization, but they aren't bad by any means. The kick could maybe use a bit more punch. I like the guitar tone overall. The synths are crisp and clear also which is great. The arrangement is good, there are some nice changes to the original that work well with the style you've chosen. I'm not all that great with mixing feedback since I'm still kinda learning a lot about it myself. Its pretty good, of course there may be a few touch ups you could do to the EQ and such. Hopefully someone else chimes in with some specifics on that. I like this though, I've considering mixing a song from this game myself. Quote
DusK Posted December 27, 2011 Author Posted December 27, 2011 Version 3. Additional processing on the lead guitars to make them sound not so dry, slight wide boost to the rhythm guitar mids to give 'em more character, some more drum humanization, and messed with the velocities on the synth lead starting around 2:22. As always, crits/suggestions welcome. Quote
Jae Posted December 28, 2011 Posted December 28, 2011 I really like this tune. The arrangement you have here is really working in your favor. My critique would be that it is pretty muddy in some areas. I wish I could pick out the areas in the piece that it sounds that way, but there is no clock on Tindeck. Heh. It's mostly with the higher pitched instrumentals fighting with each other to break through. One thing I think could help would be the synth that does the "bababa bababa baba bababa bababa baba" backing out a little and playing more in the background. I love the sound it makes, but it's fighting with the guitar and the main synth, and I would really like to hear those come through more. Don't take it out completely, of course. It makes a nice "broken up" background, and complements the longer notes strummed by the guitar. Definitely add some crescendos and decrescendos to your instruments though. The volume feels pretty static, but the arrangement itself is pretty solid right now! Quote
DusK Posted December 29, 2011 Author Posted December 29, 2011 Good crits. You're right. Now that you mention it, that backing synth is a bit loud. But I'm not hearing a whole lot of mud, which is always a problem for me because my speakers are crap and make EVERYTHING sound muddy, and I do all of my tracking/mixing/ect. on studio headphones. Version 4! I pulled down that backing synth a bit and carved a space in the rhythm guitars around 3k to make way for the leads. It seems to have cleared up a bit of that mud according to my speakers, but I can't really do a whole lot for that without making everything sound so thin that there's barely any remix left. Quote
Jae Posted December 29, 2011 Posted December 29, 2011 It sounds soooo much better. I love hearing the backing synth in the background where it belongs because it gives the piece more character there. The backup parts give the song so much interest. Also what I heard as mud before isn't there anymore. None of the instruments are fighting with each other. When the main guitar does those small hiccups near the end (I want to call them glissandos, but that's not what the right musical term...ugh), I loved it. That little bit of personalization added so much at the end to separate it from the lead guitar that played before. There were some in the other part, but I guess they weren't as pronounced (and that's fine! there needs to be variety, and for the most part, you have it!). After three listens, that's really all I have to say. A bit more complimentary, but I'd definitely keep working on this. Keep playing around with the volumes because it is a bit too "in your face" at times while the main synth and guitar are playing together, but you don't want to lose ALL of the "in your face" qualities of this piece since it pretty much requires it! Great work so far! Edit - Actually after listening again (can't get enough of it, I guess ) the main synth playing with the main guitar towards the end didn't bug me. Still, some tweaking with it could work in your favor if you give it another listen and feel the same way. Quote
DusK Posted December 30, 2011 Author Posted December 30, 2011 Oh I totally heard it. That section starting at 2:22 seems a bit over-the-top. I did some EQ work to give that lead guitar bit more breathing room, which allowed me to turn the volume down on that. Version 5. Also marks my move to SoundCloud for all my WIP uses for various reasons. Mainly the clock and the private links. I also brought in the kick's clarity a little bit and brought the bass up. I dunno if that's enough to really bring it out though, and I might end up layering another bass track over it with a different tone. I'm starting to think this might be ready for some Mod Review action soon, but I'll let it stew for, oh, a week or so like usual before I bump it up. Quote
DusK Posted January 6, 2012 Author Posted January 6, 2012 Second page, noooooo! Well, it's been just over a week and no responses, so time for a bump. I have done a couple tweaks, but it's practically nothing, so I won't post such a minor update. I'm feeling a lot better about this one than Insulator and I'm ready to call it. Hoping to get this in by the end of the month so it'll end up on the judge's panel by 2015. Now to wait for a Mod to come in and tell me that I need to do a crapton of work on it before submitting it. Lay it on me! Quote
Rozovian Posted January 14, 2012 Posted January 14, 2012 Popular track you've got here. Ride is pretty thin. The arpeggios is pretty loud. Actually, most of the synths are pretty loud, or shrill enough to cut through a little too well. That first arpeggio seems a bit thick around the mids and its attack seems to be a millisecond too fast. The bell arp that follows has some really shrill overtones. It gets a bit messy in the busy parts, so some eq cleanup/separation wouldn't hurt. It's pretty conservative, but with the dynamics and the solo part I think it's altered enough to have a decent shot at ocr. Pretty rockin' track, dude. Quote
DusK Posted January 15, 2012 Author Posted January 15, 2012 Muchos gracias, amigo. Version 6. Took your suggestions into account and added them to the changes. No Soundcloud for now because I'm really feelin' this track now that I did that stuff. Quote
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