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The Super Guitar Bros are coming to MAGFEST!!!! - And we want to meet you!!

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Hey guys! This is Steve from the Super Guitar Bros. If you're not familiar with us you should check out our songs on our Youtube channel.


Just wanted to let everyone know that we are offically coming to MAGFEST!!!!!!

EDIT: According to what the schedule says right now we will be performing on the second stage on Friday from 1:50-2:20. It's subject to change but hopefully it doesn't. We hope you will join us and we look forward to seeing you!

This will be the first magfest for Sam and I and we're crazy excited about it! Seriously I haven't been able to think about anything else since we ordered our passes.

We will probably be spending a lot of time hanging out in the JamSpace. So if you're going to be there We look forward to meeting you and jamming and listening to other people jam.

Really we're excited about meeting people in person since we've never done anything like this before. So if you see us there please don't be afraid to come up and say hi. We want to meet you!! :D


P.S. We just got a facebook page. Please be our friend! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Super-Guitar-Bros/284167974968302?sk=wall&filter=1

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