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*NO* Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA) 'Canopy Crawl' *RESUB*

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Original Decision

Remix title: Canopy Crawl

Contact Information

ReMixer name: evory, gintokipianist

Real name: Jeremy Ng, Tom Egan

Email: jeremyngyd@hotmail.com, gintokipianist@hotmail.co.uk

User ID: 31417, 41307

Submission Information

Game arranged: Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!

Song arranged: Jungle Jitters

Source: [GBA]

and a little bit of [sNES]

Original thread: ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33168

Additional information

Tom: This piece seemed to me to be a study on different genres/musical styles with this in mind frequent tempo and dynamic changes are were used to animate the piece.

Jeremy: This was one of my few moments of really improvisatory writing -- I didn't really have a structure in mind when I set out writing this piece. Heck, I wasn't even that familiar with the source. So what happened was I listened to the source a few times through, took note of small sections that jumped out at me and modified them to fit the piece, went back to the source, and repeated the process until a suitable ending popped up. I guess it shows in that the arrangement may sound a little ragtag at times, and seems to flit between different styles of writing, but most of the piece remains centred on the I and V chords that are dominant in the piece, and that the piece is rooted in, puns certainly intended. Tom brilliantly learned the piece and performed it in a couple of days, adding a few jazzy flourishes here and there to really spice up the piece, which I think worked quite well. With what is (to me) a better piano sample, hopefully this'll make it past you judges the second time around. Oh, and this piece is a bonus track on the DKC3 remix project, and here's hoping that it does the whole album justice.

  • 2 months later...

Gotta say, the intro still feels strange to me, like it wants to be jazzy, but it feels so square. Aside from that, I think there are a ton of improvements in the playing to make things more clear and have more variation overall. What it is coming down to, at this point, is the piano sample. I think it's better, but I still am not feeling like it's where it needs to be for a solo piece. Vinnie is pretty good at hitting on that specifically, so I hope he will have some advice for you to get it to where it needs to be. Hate to throw it back at you, but it's definitely closer to where it needs to be.

NO (resub)


Yeah like Deia said, the piano sample still isn't great (though I don't remember the last version well enough to tell you if it's an improvement), but I think as important here, the playing has the same feeling of being too even and sequenced (or at least quantized). I don't have any advice for getting a better sample unfortunately, but you may want to reach out to people in the Workshop forum, or to ReMixers with posted solo piano mixes, and see what they have to say.

NO (resubmit)

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