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*NO* Final Fantasy 10 'Ride De Shupuff'


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Hi Judges!

Figured I couldn't end this year without making a game remix. Dunno if it should have been this one, but I like it regardless! Enjoy!

Remix of Ride Ze Shupuff from Final Fantasy X by Nobuo Uematsu!

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Navid Azeez

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  • 3 weeks later...

This song makes me both incredibly happy and incredibly sad at the same time. It's amazing, and I love it so much but(!) there's not enough source!


The riff is there, but it's so rarely used, and there are other parts that are similar to the source but are not it.

This track is so great though. If you are willing to hit this up and some more source into the background, I'd yes this so hard.

NO ;_; (oh please resub)

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*lighters up*

Yeah, I'm not hearing much source usage here either :-( This is one of my favorite rap submissions I've heard but the source is just not making itself apparent. There's some parts that sound kinda like Ride ze Shoopuf but they're not very plentiful. Pains me to put a mix like this down when it's such an enjoyable listen, but yeah. Resubmit this.

NO (resubmit!)

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