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Low level listening, not gonna comment on how loud it is or isn't.

Weird harmonies. I think you need to get off the unicycle and learn to ride a bicycle first. :P Pick a scale, stick to it. When you know how to stick to a scale, then you can deviate where it works.

The bells are pretty, the bass is dull (and clashing), the drums are way too soft (except the hihat), lead melody doesn't cut through. The instrumentation is pretty sparse, tho adding something before solving your scale problems will probably just compound the problem. Sparse can work, but it needs to be a more dynamic and emotive arrangement for it to work.

Arrangement doesn't go anywhere. It starts, loops, breaks, and goes back to the same energy levels as in the previous loop. There's not much development. This is why most tracks have A- B- and C-parts, or verses and choruses, or other distinctions between parts.

It could be more interpretive, too. This is a great track to practice personalizing with, there's like three melodies in the source - rewrite them to fit different chords. Just the four-note repetition early in the source could easily be used on other chords. Just take the rhythm and play four other notes (lowest to highest). Pick the chords you like. Now adapt one of the other melodies to this/these new chords. instant interpretation. :P

Good source. Do more with it. :)


This is gonna be a long one, *deep breath*

The intro, I'm not sure if it's supposed to be that way, but it is all out of key.

The drums are very thin and lack any sort of substance, they also sound pretty robotic.

The bass is also very thin. Some of the pads seem to not fit well with the song.

Some of the counter-melodies clash with either each other or the main melody.

Some of the bell like synths reach into ear piercing territory it terms of high freqs.

At 1:59 the bells start being out of key with the rest of the piece and again at 3:32. the warbling synth doesn't seem to fit in with the song much.

The song also just seems to end out of the blue without a specific crescendo or climax.

A few other things, but I think getting into more specifics isn't going to help at this point.

Overall, this mix needs a lot of work and I didn't touch on everything. Keep working on it and post an update, see what everyone says and go from there.

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