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*NO* Super Mario Bros. 'Super Mario Nightclub'

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Ribbit! Guifrog here!

GAME ARRANGED: Super Mario Bros.

SOURCE: The classic one. Or -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiAxiGZKpGQ

REMIX NAME: Super Mario Nightclub



B) (secret url)

if one doesn't work, the other will

I think breakdown won't be necessary this time, rite? >P

So, let's keep our trip around the world. When I initially thought of having my own take on Mario's so well known (and overremixed, if that's even a word) tune, Italy came to mind. But. Mario's tunes have such a latin vibe, and I wanted to create a mix that loyally had Mario in its core. Which means, classic square waves getting along with steel drums, a few simple and generic instrumentation choices, plus my own world-electronic touch. The idea came out as a latin house of some sort, and it's exactly how I imagine a nightclub in Mario's world.

We're in the BAHAMAS, baby! :D

P.s.: Thanks to mods Flexstyle and Gario for their excellent advice on the WIP forums! *untz untz untz*


The brass was still pretty weak, something that always negatively stands out in Guilherme's stuff. The piano and disco strings also sounded super fake. The extreme simplicity of the core UNT-TSS beat also dragged this down. There were pretty bland, default-sounding lead synths at 1:32 as well. Too many of these sounds really need some polish.

The organic-sounding percussion at 2:18 was super sweet and spicy, very well done, but then the bridge section from 2:25 came off VERY boring in contrast, just note-for-note like the original with no real uniqueness or interpretation. The same is true for the source tune chorus first used at 1:01; just a pretty straightforward cover of the theme that didn't really stand apart in a meaningful enough way from the original. Usually, I'll bring something up as a quality disparity, but this was a case of a creativity disparity.

This is going in the right direction, clearly, this just needs more creativity in the treatment of the theme to match the creativity of the other instrumentation surrounding it. Stepping up the sample quality or learning to better mask the limitations of the exposed brass, piano and strings would also help a great deal as well, and it's about time you reach for some improvement there also.

NO (resubmit)


Larry left a nice vote here, the arrangement has some moments that just feel lazy, but the overall direction is great. I never really thought about Mario music having predominately latin overtones, but it's so true. ;P piano and brass sequencing was very stiff, I know you have a pretty firm beat going, but they just sound hokey. the sounds are a mixed bag in terms of quality, but I always feel the need to commend you on fitting so much different stuff into one song. this has good potential, as do most of your subs, but the sounds/sequencing need to be improved, and the arrangement fleshed out a bit more.


Larry really nailed it with this one, so I don't have a ton to add.

I really liked the way you approached this. The latin vibe is very cool and creative. I agree that some more personalization on the more straight cover sections could help here.

But yeah, the big story for me is production issues. See what you can do to help the super rigid parts here and get some life into the various elements.

No, resubmit please

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