djpretzel Posted August 2, 2005 Posted August 2, 2005 Greetings. -Your ReMixer name My name (ReMixer name) is Heruwath Lomgil. -Your real name As for my real name, I'd rather not reveal that just yet. Sorry -Your email address Email Address? Same. Sorry -Your website Website? .....Website?....... No real Website to speak of. -Your userid (number, not name) on our forums I don't yet have a userID on your forums, because I haven't yet registered on them. Sorry -Name of game(s) ReMixed This Mix consists of music from Chrono Trigger and from Metroid Prime. -Name of individual song(s) ReMixed I don't know the official names of the songs. I could say I mixed it from Schala's theme in Chrono Trigger and from the main title music in Metroid Prime, but those probably aren't the actual names of the songs. Again, Sorry. -Additional information about game if it had not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc. I think the "Additional information" is already on your site. -Link to the original sountrack if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site I don't know where the original soundtrack can be found. I know what the original sounds like because I played the games a whole lot. Sorry. -Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. Ok, you're not gonna get a "Sorry" on this one. I excel at making comments (most of them will probably be boring, so feel free to scroll down past this part to the link if you want to). About a year ago, a friend came over to my house to play cards and he brought a CD with him. On that CD were a few of his favorite OC remixes. I didn't recognize the first couple of songs, but when it hit track 3, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 9 KnightsComeMarchingHome OC ReMix by Ailsean, I almost dropped the deck. I wanted to hear that one again. And again. And again. Then I heard some of the Legend of Zelda remixes. I had to know where he found this music! And so, I was introduced to Within 3 weeks I had downloaded almost every Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Legend of Zelda, and Metroid Remix I could find on your site. And there was still so much more! I wished I could Remix stuff like that. And I went on wishing for months. Then, about 5 months ago, I decided it was time to stop wishing and start mixing. So I opened my handy windows sound recorder, plugged my Casio keyboard into the mic and made myself a remix. The 2 pieces I had put together played back flawlessly! But the sound quality was horrible, the intruments I had chosen clashed, and the rythims were disgusting. Yuck. Back to the drawing board. I looked around on your site to find a program that would work better than sound recorder. I couldn't figure out how to use any of the ones you recomended. I just gave up for a few weeks. Then I came accross Madtracker2. I plugged in my brother's Roland U-20 this time, and started remixing again. The Madtracker2 helped my rythim significantly. It improved the sound quality by miles. I rewrote this part, changed the instruments in that part. Nothing worked. There was still something terribly wrong with the 7.5 minute Remix. It was the first 2 minutes. The had to go. Then there was still something wrong. It was the last 5.5 minutes. I actually cried. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. Finally, I asked my musically talented brother. He gave me some advice, and I worked on it for another month or so. Big improvements were made. It finally sounded like good music now. I decided to add some more guitar, add more drums and rewrite the drum score. It sounded so much more like an OCRemix. Finally, a week ago, I decided I was satisfied with it. This is final result of the last 5 months of mixing is this ReMix. It is 5:37 long. It starts a bit on the slow tragic side, and it keeps a little of that all the way through, but it really picks up after 2:17. I have worked on a few others a bit, but this one is by far the best I've got. I'll probably get started refining the others now that I think I'm done with this one. As to the name of the mix, it changed several times during the making. There are probably many more creative names for it, but this is the best one that comes to mind. I got the idea for the remix while watching the end cutscenes from Chrono Chross (in which you see Schala without her hair dyed purple) and Metroid Prime on hard mode (in which Samus takes her helmet off). I thought Schala and Samus look remarkably similar. This remix was inspired by the idea that Samus Aran could be an eventual descendant of Schala. Ok, enough rambling. Go to this address, then click on A Hatchling's Zeal.mp3 to download the mix: Please be careful how many times you download it, seeing as I have very limited bandwidth. I have the ID3v2 tags filled out according to your guidelines with the exception of the TPA Part of a set, because I don't yet know what ReMixID djpretzel will assign. I have more than 8 hours of OCRemixes saved on my computer, and I can't wait to see if mine has what it takes to be in the same playlist. Thanks so much for considering my submission. Heruwath Lomgil ps: had a little trouble sending this the first couple of times, so I apologize if I've sent you several emails
Vig Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 this track is mono. K. the harpsichord is plodding and flat sounding. the melody comes in, the sample is terrible. The juxtaposition of the metroid title theme is interesting, but the first 2.5 minutes were boring and sloppy. Again at this new section, there's nothing going on. just long segments of repetition. nothing interesting. You need more going on. it's not enough to have a section repeat, you need to present new ideas. this needs lots of work. Take it to the WIP forum, they can help you with the basics. NO OVERRIDE
Liontamer Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 Bleh. Like Jesse said, it's in mono, the arrangement is repetitive & underdeveloped, and it sounds terrible. Dunno the technical differences between General MIDI and, say, Modplug, but well-made tracker stuff doesn't sound this bad, so you get the links to the help areas as well as the "NO MIDIs" portion of the submission guidelines. ReMixing forum Work-in-Progress forum Submission Instructions & Standards]OCR hosts MP3 files for a reason, and if the sound quality of your submission could easily have been achieved using the General MIDI soundsets of most budget consumer soundcards, it will be rated down in this category. Even if you submit the most ingenious reworking of a game theme ever, with sequencing and programming and chord progression all highly refined, if it clearly sounds like a default FruityLoops demo or General MIDI playback, your submission will not be accepted.This is not a videogame MIDI remix site. There are plenty of those around, the world doesn't need another. What sets OC ReMixes apart is sound quality - while this can be achieved via MIDI by using Sound Fonts, the output is still MP3. ReMixes are judged in part on sound quality, and the inconsistency of MIDI playback is not ideal for the level we are aiming to achieve.
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