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Super Mario 2 - Oki Doki Marioki


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Oki Doki update 4-24-12

Oki Doki Marioki

Based on Super Mario 2, otherwise known as Doki Doki Panic.

This is mainly finished, but I’m still working to perfect the bass and leads, as well as perfecting the mixing and adding more fills and effects as I think of them. I think it is pretty groovy and I hope you do to. Please enjoy, and give me your feedback, let me know what you think could be improved.

Source breakdown:

Super Mario Bros overworld 0:16 – 0:48

0:48 - 1:15

1:16 – 1:55

Super Mario 2 character select 1:56 – 2:10

2:12 – 2:50

Super Mario 2 overworld 2:51 – 3:06

Super Mario 2 character select 3:07 – 3:30

Super Mario Bros overworld 3:31 - end

– throughout song
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Gotta say. I love that. Especially the SMB2 overworld theme and the SMB subterranean theme interjecting every so often. Starman kinda threw it off, in my opinion, but that's just me. The dynamics could use some work, but the arrangement, sans starman, is really good. So kudos on an awesome mix.

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Gotta say. I love that. Especially the SMB2 overworld theme and the SMB subterranean theme interjecting every so often. Starman kinda threw it off, in my opinion, but that's just me. The dynamics could use some work, but the arrangement, sans starman, is really good. So kudos on an awesome mix.

Hey thanks very much! Funny, others have said starman was their favorite part. Do you have specific suggestions regarding the overall dynamics? Thanks again for listening and commenting.

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Cool arrangement, nice fitting the sources together.

Some parts sound a bit empty (high lead and low backing often do that), and you could play more with the dynamics by changing up the hihats some more during the break parts (eg 2:52). Sound could use some work. Aside from being empty, it's pretty basic in how it's laid up. A designated lead, some backing, drums, bass. Some more interplay between backing and lead might make it feel less... idunno, newby?

I don't think you'd really lose anything by scrapping the sound entirely and starting from just the arrangement. You could play with giving all tracks (except drums) the same instrument just to see how they work together. The times when the lead stands out mostly because it's two octaves above everything else might not be the best written parts. Common newb mistake, and it's not like I didn't get my first mix posted despite stupid high leads. Just worth mentioning. :)

Starman fits in fine, tho it wouldn't hurt to signal that the chords are changing.

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Hey thanks very much! Funny, others have said starman was their favorite part. Do you have specific suggestions regarding the overall dynamics? Thanks again for listening and commenting.

Not any particular suggestions no. It just seems sort of static. Rozovian hit it on the head. And I'll give you this, the transition out of starman was good.

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Thanks guys. OK... so the general concensus is that the arrangement works... other friends have agreed on that as well... I'm so glad about this. That's half the battle won.

Rozo, you hit many of the main points I had in my mind... the hi hat patterns being one (easy fix), and the other the leads (yikes). I'm not satisfied with them generally... I'm going to attempt to redo most of the leads (any tips on this will be appreciated folks!)(and I know I'm not the only one struggling with leads)... great tip about not having them play so darned high (thanks for the heads up on that). Not sure I will scrap every instrument though, I'm really happy with the mid and low stuff, interesting idea however. Also, I love your suggestion of adding more interplay between the backing grooves and leads, great idea, I will explore that. And I'll see what can be done about smoothing out the key change (or rather, "signaling" it), and Starman definitely stays. All wonderful suggestions and comments.

Rozo, I count on you for your brutal honesty and you never disappoint. But, do ya really... have to... use the... "N" word? Dang, dude. :razz:

As always, thanks, thanks, and thanks. :-D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oki Doki Marioki update 4-24-12

Round 2.

-Varied hat patterns for more dynamics.

-Automated master volume and drum sum volume for quieter sections.

-Added more interplay with backing groove.

-Added extra backing elements. (my favorite is the "distant singer")

-Changed/altered/layered most of the leads. I'm still not loving every lead. I have quite a few here. Which ones sound good or ok, and which ones really don't?

-Rewrote some lead patterns, and lowered octaves of others, to avoid the "stupid high lead" effect.

Is it improved? Does it still sound too basic?


edit: I think I'm going to put this song on hold while I work on my instrumentation skills. This is my big weakness at this point, I feel. I may re-instrument this totally at a later date. If you would like to comment on the writing/arranging, that would be fine, though. Thanks. :-)


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