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Hello there. I'm working on a small visual novel project with my Fiance. The project is for our small art business that we run together called Faerie's Dice



Were looking to find an amateur musician who can help create some of the music for our game. We would be willing to commission a musician and pay them per song. Were a small group, so we aren't exactly loaded with cash. But whoever works with us on our game, we want to make sure that they are compensated properly and not working totally for nothing. Were artist too, and we understand how valuable an artist hard work and passion is. If interested, send us a message and we can work out the details/price.

Also note, we will be traveling locally to conventions as well as doing advertising for the visual novel game online. We do intend to sell this game. And we will make sure to promote whatever musician chooses to help us, just as much as promote the game itself.

The game is a Sci-Fi, suspense, Psychological thriller. The setting is an advanced society that has been taken down and destroyed by an elite hacking organization. It's a world where people became so dependent on networking technology, that people's hearts and eyes, and other bodily organs became hacked, causing people to die out in mass numbers.

The story takes place in the ruins of a city, where the last handful of the remaining people on earth are all trapped together and forced to play a violent game to find out who the hidden hackers were that destroyed humanity. The game they are all forced to play together resembles the popular party game "Mafia", it's essentially a game conducted by a narrator where players must all decide whom among them is "guilty" by voting and sentencing each other to death. Their narrator/captor is a crazed vigilante, claiming to want nothing more than to find and bring those responsible for the fall of humanity to their end. Naturally, to keep the hackers in check, and keep them from hacking and killing the remaining population at once, a group of six have been armed with special "Anti-Hacking" abilities, made to stop and reverse the damage the hackers do. The plot revolves around these six people, as they work together to not only survive the horrific game, but to also find out the greater truth their connections to one another, and behind the vigilante's game.


Hello everyone! Thanks so much for your interest! ^^ I got a few personal messages sent to me. I just wanted to let you guys know that I will be listening to some of your stuff and getting back with you this evening. Until then, happy earthday!


Before I also jump in with a series of PMs trying to sell myself in a manner overly desperate for a professional, experience dictates I ask how close to done you are with the project? I've worked on visual novels just like this one and, to date, neither one has ever produced fruit.

I know its not incredibly reasonable to ask what guarantee musicians who work on this would have, but it also sucks to put days of work in for nothing. Anything we could count on?

Before I also jump in with a series of PMs trying to sell myself in a manner overly desperate for a professional, experience dictates I ask how close to done you are with the project? I've worked on visual novels just like this one and, to date, neither one has ever produced fruit.

I know its not incredibly reasonable to ask what guarantee musicians who work on this would have, but it also sucks to put days of work in for nothing. Anything we could count on?

Hello there! And thanks for showing some interest. I'll be as straightforward as I can with you.

Were not close to being done with the final product. However, for the story side of things, I can say we have what I believe is an excellent concept, and a fully functional mapped out plot. Dialogue is being written and is going along swimmingly.

Art is in the concepting phase and is going along swimmingly as well. The characters are being designed, and the general design direction has been long since chosen. Very soon full color illustrations and sprites will begin to be created.

I understand your concern. Believe me, I do. I have had friends in the past talk about doing projects with me such as webcomics, games, you name it! And most of the time I ended up doing literally everything. Even when I was enrolled in Artschool, when I was put on a team with people to complete a project, I ended up doing the work of an entire team myself. And the project generally tanked because of it.

This project is our ambition. It purely a labor of love, and it's something that my fiance and I want to do to get our artistic careers off of the ground. This is our legacy, it's our beginning, and it's something that we are taking passionately, seriously, and professionally. So far, it's just us two working on this project together. So believe me, this will take some time to complete. But it WILL be completed, and progress is coming along well. We also have fans of Faerie's Dice that are depending on us to complete this project. We constantly keep them updated on our progress, and we can't let them down.

If that isn't enough to quell your fear of throwing your work into a black hole, then possibly the fact that we do NOT expect any musician/artist to put time into this project without being paid for their work in advance, will. Remember, we are artist too. We understand the value of an artist time and efforts. We would never have come here to begin with without knowing for SURE that we are gonna finish this thing.

To put things simply, Were not screwin around; This is for real.

Below is a link to a section of our website containing some information about Dreamhack. At the bottom is some of the character concepts that we have completed.


Hope that helps clear up any lingering doubt! And thanks so much for showing interest!

~Bryan of Faerie's Dice

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