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So there have been some pretty noteworthy anime abridged series like Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged by Little Kuriboh, Naruto Abridged by MasakoX and Vegeta3986, and Dragon Ball Z abridged by Team Four Star. But if you don't know what it is, what you do is you take an original production, edit it, rewrite the script, record your own voice overs, and above all else: Make it funny.

However, I've also watched a couple of good VG abridged series like

by "YaCrazyChannel"

by "xanauzumaki"

Abridged by "SonsofSatire". They even got Katethegreat19 to voice Aeris.

One thing I should mention that with all fan productions, they get better as they go on. No one creates a great show right as they start out. Well.... except for

of course. Has anyone else taken an interest in these small productions? I think they provide more than enough entertainment to be worth checking out.

I first discovered these with Avatar: The Last Airbender. Unfortunately, it seems to have stalled near the end of Book I, but what he's got is pretty brilliant.

(Support his site with the above link. For convenience, here's a

Note - Episode 12 is a fake.)

Of the ones here, Twilight Princess is the only one which I know the original well enough to fully appreciate. Will have to check it out.


I forgot another good one.

The production value actually gets insanely good after the first few episodes. But it's clear that LordQuadros (creator) was just starting out so he gets a lot better after a few episodes.

Also, if you like Team Four Star's Dragonball Z abridged, they actually did the first 2 episodes of

as well. Seriously guys, it has everything I don't like in a show, but I've watched it at least 5ive times already.

Hah. I started with Yu-Gi-Oh and went to DBZ and loved both of em.

Like Xarn Ive only really played through TP (as well as a little but of ff7), but I can't wait to watch there when I get home.

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