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I've been a long time downloader of OCremix music... And I know that the final fantasy series has plenty of remixes on this site as is. However, I greatly enjoyed the music from this PSP expansion to the FFVII series. I'm not asking for remixed versions of songs that have already been done. Ex. "Those who fight further." and "Anxious Hearts" . I'm looking for some of the songs original to the game. Ex. "Underneath the apple tree" and "Price of freedom"

Price of Freedom:

Under the Apple Tree

Above are the addresses to the two songs i've mentioned. If any were remixed I would appreciate those selected two. However the Youtube address has other songs from the game attached to it... I highly recommend giving them a listen and see if there are any other songs you wish to remix.

I thank you for your time.


  • 3 weeks later...

I definitely plan to remix something from the Crisis Core soundtrack soon. After finishing my remix for zircon's FF6 competition. I know someone who can play guitar, I might ask him to play a part.

  • 3 weeks later...

God I love this game and its soundtrack. I'd definitely put Price of Freedom on my to-do list if remixing music I love was the sole criteria. The thing is.....I can't imagine anything better so I wouldn't even attempt it. Perhaps some talented soul will blow our minds in the near future :)

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