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*NO* Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker & Skyward Sword 'Dreams of Courage'

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  • 1 month later...

Wrong Zelda 'Legendary Hero' Theme, as the mixer wasn't specific on which game.


Kind of an odd choice of themes to work with, though at times it does work well. Personally I'm not too fond of the pairing for the most part, but I'm willing to put my personal feelings aside for the times that the interplay does seem to work well. I do like the overall soundscape you've presented here, but I feel like there are a lot of sections that are just rehashes of areas before it. I don't know how verbatim everything is, but it feels very repetitive to me. Some of it definitely comes from the sounds not really changing around, and the looped drum beats that are brought in and out of the track. The 1:42 transition feels very awkward, with parts not really seeming to fit into the slowing time signature.

It might be just me, but a lot of the track feels pretty quiet. I think there's more you can do with the dynamic range overall, aside from bringing everything up a notch. I'd also look at your humanization overall. Part of the piece feeling repetitious comes from everything being stiffly sequenced. A perfect example of this is 3:41 where the bass has a very unrealistic cutoff. Similarly, the bass sound feels a bit thin to me, and could use more oomph. The drums also are a bit thin, and having some fuller sounds will add more dramaticism to what's going on.

I think the concept is pretty cool, despite it not really tickling my personal fancy. As-is, there's a lot of work here that needs to be done to make things more fresh and unique within the song. I definitely would like you to work out the details and send this back, as I think you have some promise as an arranger.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

The mix is definitely quiet.

I'm really much more keen on the second half than the first; it's much more dynamic and frenetic. The first half of the song has far too much of the type of thing where you drop out all the rhythmic elements. I don't know why people do this so much. It just kills the momentum of the track. I'm definitely encouraged by some of what's here. please keep working.


  • 2 weeks later...

I have too agree that the constant tempo shifts and percussive drops really made the piece feel disjointed and not flowing. I think the combination of themes is good, and the arrangement concept itself is sound but needs polish and a better sense of where it is going.

The sequencing was overall good, but there were some string lines that were pretty stiff; you may want to listen to those solo and adjust velocities accordingly to smooth it up.

Also, minor nitpick, but the track cuts off before the final note is done.

I think this is a good candidate for a resub after a few things are improved!

No, please resubmit

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