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Maybe I should have mentioned this. I'm thinking of non-FL plugins when I'm asking about pitch bend. The normal pitch bend method works for FL plugins, but when I try it with stuff like Spicy Guitar or Zero Vector, it doesn't go past +/- one half step.

Yes, that changes things.


And, many VSTs don't let you set a range, or don't let you set an uneven range (I prefer -12/+2 for synth solos in my keyboard rig, but most of the VSTs I run don't support that), so you may be stuck at -2/+2 for some instruments no matter what.

The reason for this is that pitch bend, as defined in the MIDI spec, is a code to indicate that you're sending a pitch bend message on a particular MIDI channel plus a value from 0 to 16383 (8192 is the middle point and means nothing is bending). It's up to each instrument to decide how to map those values to pitch.


The main problem I have is that I want to someday sequence a realistic electric guitar, but without pitch bends it won't work so well. I can kind of imitate fret slides, but not anything close to whammy bar effects.

I do know how to automate pitch bends with non-FL VSTs that have pitch control in them, like Zebra and Massive, but Spicy Guitar is my best free option so far for an unamped acoustic guitar, and it has no pitch modulation option for automation, unfortunately.

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