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Original decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37938


ReMixer name: DaMonz

Real name: Emery Monzerol

email address:

userid: 31308

ReMixer name: Trainbeat

Real name: Sébastien Dufour

email address:

userid: (none)


Name of the games arranged: Mega Man 9

Name of the arrangement: Mega Blocked

Name of the individual songs arranged: Concrete Man

Link to original: http://youtu.be/czs3xtuJxUQ

Comments: I'm back with my revised Mega Blocked! :D I've done my best fixing it as you suggested. I buffed my synth work overall, I tweaked my drums a bit, I added a bit of personality, but most of all I tried to fix the busy parts.

Oh, and I tried to fix the intro as Deia suggested, but I really didn't know what to do :( I think I've heard the song too much now to be able to make such major changes in its progression. I hope it won't matter too much!

Thanks again for your great comments, and enjoy! ^_^

  • 1 month later...

Cool intro. Would have loved to hear more bitcrushed kind of stuff going on later.

Well, there's definitely some personalization, and some more notable expansion via the freestyle guitar in the second half, but ultimately the structure still feels a bit too close to the original. It's tough to break off from the original when the tempo's the same and the instrumentation sounds chippy much like the original.

It's really a matter of whether or not one thinks the arrangement, while possessing some legit interpretation, is still too conservative or not. It goes in the right direction, but IMO not far enough once the main portion of the theme arrives at 1:07. There are still more things that can be done with structure, or tempo, or rhythm, or instrumentation, or mood, etc. to make this stand more on its own. Good stuff so far, and I won't have a fit if this passes, but I don't think it's there yet on the arrangement/interpretation side. Just a bit too structurally conservative for me without enough compensation elsewhere.

NO (resubmit)


I think think the arrangement is close but fine, though I do think the production is a bit muddy in the lows and the drums could cut a bit more. I thought the synths chosen and the guitar were both very good, and the bit crushed intro was nice as well. I think giving things a little more punchy of a sound would help this, and adding some of the arrangement crits larry has, and this is a strong candidate, but needs a coat of polish.

Looking forward to hearing this re-done!

No, please resubmit


I think it's a pretty solid package as it is and would probably be more inclined to go ahead and YES this now had I been the first vote, as I don't have much to offer aside from Larry's arrangement and OA's production advices. hit up those points they mentioned and send it back! you clearly got the chops for this arranging business, I'm just waiting to hear you nail the execution on one of these tracks.


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