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I didn't ask you to run around the thread looking for it... we weren't to post our urls in the open, remember? :) I PM'ed you last time and the url is the same. I'll PM you again.

Anyway, by the looks of that list you just posted, it certainly does look like we're in dire need of additional remixers.

didn't you get run over by a forklift or something ridiculous like that?

Yeah, crushed my shoulder, which is still in pretty bad shape, but I can move my arm enough to play guitar if I sit leaning way back and lean to the right and hold the guitar almost completely vertically. Uncomfortable and painful, but I don't really care.

didn't you get run over by a forklift or something ridiculous like that?

Yeah, crushed my shoulder, which is still in pretty bad shape, but I can move my arm enough to play guitar if I sit leaning way back and lean to the right and hold the guitar almost completely vertically. Uncomfortable and painful, but I don't really care.


if we need more mixers, talk to Cerrax Records (i think that's his forum name). he's pretty good at electronica, and he has some strong orchestral influences that he brings into his music that really helps.

He'd probably be up for it. Keeps posting a new WiP every other week or so. Dunno if he ever finishes what he starts, but hey.

he does finish them, he just never updates them =) he tends to use less arrangement than most, and might need a guiding hand once in a while, but he's solid on his synthesis, and he's good at electronic orchestral stuff.


Hey, don't pick favourites.

Dafydd's wip:

mmkay, I'm not liking that pizz string thing you've got going for the bass in the first section. For one, its attack is too slow, which offsets it with the music. For two, it just doesn't quite sound right. If maybe you had an acoustic bass or a fingered bass that was a little quieter instead. something a little more percussive.

The bass in the second section I'm not so sure of either. It sounds alright, but either it's so low that it makes some of the notes unable to be discerned, or it's too muddy.

The new piano section is alright, but there's nothing that really ties it to the turtle rock theme. The mixing in that section is also not that great. The piano is barely audible over the bass and drums.

I suggest that you PM a copy to the Prophet as well, to see what he thinks. I think that having a piano bit at the end would be fine, but I still think that you should come up with a enw one that actually fits the theme of the original song.

Shinny Metal ---> Wants to remix all of the songs. I say no.

:P I just offered cause I was extremely bored and...was in a music making mood *goes insane for no apparent reason*

Hey guys, well I just moved from my apartment, and am moving into a new place, currently cleaning, etc. I have yet to set up my computer too. But I will be able to do mix work probably by the end of this week. So I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.

kk...just get me the songs and stuff as soon as you can. cya then


Meh, sorry. Yeah, I agree on most of what you said. The piano theme doesn't quite fit in, but then again, what would? Also, I'm really confused about the bass. I've tried a whole bunch of bass samples and they keep ending up muddy like that.

About the pizz: I actually made the attack slower because prophet didn't like it at first. After a few listens, though, it's become clear that I need to compensate this lack of attack by playing the notes earlier or something.

He'd probably be up for it. Keeps posting a new WiP every other week or so. Dunno if he ever finishes what he starts, but hey.

he does finish them, he just never updates them =) he tends to use less arrangement than most, and might need a guiding hand once in a while, but he's solid on his synthesis, and he's good at electronic orchestral stuff.

Thanks Proph. I've so many things going on lately its been hard to keep up. Plus no one has posted anything new in the Pokemon project so I'm not far behind. Hell, my Viridian Forest wip is pretty much done except for some production issues! And if no one posts a Burnt Tower mix soon, I'm taking it because I had a great wip for it and everything!

Anyway... What songs are available to be mixed? I wanted to join this project but I didn't think I was good enough for it. Thanks for recommending me.


If you're on the right track, we can all help you workshop your mix, but there's only so much we can do. I trust The Prophet's judgement, and you seem to get lots of practice, so just try to follow the rules and make something sweetacular.


ok, i finally listened to this.

i think you should take out the 16th notes in the pizz bass thing at :15 or so. it sounds like a skip in the recording, it's really off in some way.

production isn't anything to write home about. it works.

the whole dreamy feel is cool, and works well, i think. the vox pads (i hate vox pads in general) work, i guess. no real super problems.

good beats. i still like that entrance thing. the bass is REALLY low - like, it sounds an octave low or something. it's super growly down there. it also sounds like it's soley composed of bass, no real treble for the attack. it starts to overpower on good systems.

the piano thing is cool. granted, there isn't much source material in there, but i think that he sets up the backgrounds to relate to the source material well enough that it still seems like the same song. there isn't much to ReMix here, and you need to keep that in mind when listening to something like this.

overall? i like it. it sounds good. aeth might be able to help out a bit on the mastering side of it - i've always said that my mastering skills are less than average, if you know what i mean.

good work, dafydd.

production isn't anything to write home about.

LOL :) No, I guess not. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong... Why is it all so muddy? Even without the bass, I mean. The EQ bar does even reach red... I'll mess around with the EQ some and try to improve that. I'm also looking for a more suitable bass, and a better transition between the original theme section and the piano section.

it starts to overpower on good systems

In other words...? What?

production isn't anything to write home about.

LOL :) No, I guess not. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong... Why is it all so muddy? Even without the bass, I mean. The EQ bar does even reach red... I'll mess around with the EQ some and try to improve that. I'm also looking for a more suitable bass, and a better transition between the original theme section and the piano section.

it starts to overpower on good systems

In other words...? What?

there's too much bass freqs in the mix on my system. basically, if you've got a system (or headphones) with a decent sub, it's too much bass, and it muddles everything else. do you have a visual equalizer? something that lets you see what the different freqs are doing (like the EQUO in FL6)? you'd see tat the bass freqs are just too much on the kick drum and the bass in the bigbeat section.


well, One: raise your bassline by an octave, and see how that sounds.

Two: if you have reverb on it, make the 'room' smaller, or dump it all together.

Three: try to get a 30 band EQ on it, and lower the four or five bars on far left to about half, and you might lose a lot of that rumbly crap without losing too much of the sound (most of the bass sound comes from the mid-lows as opposed to the really low-lows. Not to be mistaken with the low-mids...)

Something else you might try, Make a wav of ONLY the bassline, and then send it to me, and I'll try to make it less icky. The only trouble there is that I wouldn't have the full song to judge how it compares.

Try to give those three a shot.

well, One: raise your bassline by an octave, and see how that sounds.

Whoa. That sucked.

Two: if you have reverb on it, make the 'room' smaller, or dump it all together.

I don't have any reverb on the bass... I have chorus/flanger and compressors though, none of which seem to help much in either direction.

Three: try to get a 30 band EQ on it, and lower the four or five bars on far left to about half, and you might lose a lot of that rumbly crap without losing too much of the sound (most of the bass sound comes from the mid-lows as opposed to the really low-lows. Not to be mistaken with the low-mids...)

Something else you might try, Make a wav of ONLY the bassline, and then send it to me, and I'll try to make it less icky. The only trouble there is that I wouldn't have the full song to judge how it compares.

Try to give those three a shot.

Will do.


I wonder which one was my 666th. Would be pretty cool to keep it there, by removing your oldest post every time you make a new one. :-D

I neglected to mention that Epo is AWOL as well

oh, that's cool.

Actually, that's not cool. I liked that site.

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