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Welcome to the Sonic thread, I will post ALL songs that I make in hear as soon as there done. This is a thread where I post stuff and stuff and what ever I want to post thats music related INCLUDING REMIXES.


Now just hit the soundcloud follow button and follow my twitter.

http://soundcloud.com/aires/short-prog-power-metal-for-the actually its called the untitled song what evaah

got my peavey 5150 block letter with a mesa 1x12 V30 speaker :D

sounds beast. like me :D

Now just hit the follow button soundcloud and follow my twitter.


Btw big thanks to my bud for my new logo!

Will resize later for signature.



2. Do not post multiple songs in the same thread. If you have more than one remix to post, make a separate thread for each (within reason.. please don't post 15 threads at once; yes, it has happened :<), and always state the game in the thread title.

I think the "please don't post 15 threads at once" part kind of over-rides that.

Besides I'm pretty sure those are just for the remix WIP forum; unless I'm mistaken, you're pretty much allowed to do it however you want in the originals forum.


A Discography thread? Huh, not a bad idea. Maybe we should make a subforum for that, just in case other people decide to do this and it begins to clutter the originals subforum



Sonic Adventure 1/2 Choa lobby/race theme!!!!8-)



Yes a Discography thread, but this will be the ONLY thread I will be posting in ocremix including...

Remixes,originals,news/announcements, videos/stream, albums, collabs, and all other news that has to do with my music and if for some special reason off topic aswell.

speaking of stream everyone follow www.justin.tv/sonicthhedgog, I will be streaming soon regularly :)!



Yes a Discography thread, but this will be the ONLY thread I will be posting in ocremix including...

Remixes,originals,news/announcements, videos/stream, albums, collabs, and all other news that has to do with my music and if for some special reason off topic aswell.

So, no more threads in OCRemix by SonicThHedgog? darn, this was a really good one too... ;-)


maybe I will post but not till I get my music out more

I get ya, music promotion on a music forum. Makes sense

If I had more music than I did, I'd probably set up a discography thread as well


Twinkle park remix in the makes to be in skydive.

The Super album track list has been set. Multi-artist input under decision.

Somehow I read these two lines to somehow contain the phrase Twilight Sparkle.

I was terribly mistaken.

carry on

Must have been the Twi from the first line, along with the S from the second line and "park" again from the first

Somehow I read these two lines to somehow contain the phrase Twilight Sparkle.

I was terribly mistaken.

carry on

Must have been the Twi from the first line, along with the S from the second line and "park" again from the first

lol I worded it wrong anyway :D

I really meant to say

"Twinkle park remix in the skydive album" XD but I forgot to look at what I typed hehe


Intro track for skydive has been finished!

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