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Yay! One of my favorite tracks. Here's my thoughts:

Up until the melody at ~1:00, the song is divided between a creepy atmosphere, the relaxing synth "leads" and the percussion. The percussion doesn't really fit with the other two timbres. They're very "fake" sounding, while the other timbres are synthetic, but in an organic way. I really like the atmosphere you set up, but the drums sound like they're hacking it apart. :lol:

Those pizzicato strings (if that's what they are) could work, but the samples you used are unrealistic. You could try using a synth instead.

I believe that you have some new material during this section. Regardless, I like it.

The fade-in for the lead is okay, but that method has been overdone, and frankly, there could be a better transition.

I have absolutely no experience with dubstep outside of a couple songs her on OC, so I can't critique that aspect of it.

It may be in keeping with the style, but the drums are totally overshadowed by the bass. It could be a good idea to add more punch to them.

Around 2:20 you have some good sounds, but the drums again clash with the timbre of the leads. It may just be my opinion, but the first bass actually kinda works. The drums could also use some variety.

Kudos on not muddying up the lower frequencies. The bass does override some of the lead though.

The transition around 3:10 works, but is a bit rough. Maybe having some notes extend into the first 1/2 a bar or so of the next section.

The gradual pitch drop into the next section is cool.

Around 3:30 you have a good idea with a lower tempo section, but the drums sound like they're dying and the lead sounds like it's forced into being slower.

When you enter the coda, having the drums simply stop is distracting. Maybe add a pattern that ends them, or even another pitch drop would be better.

The coda itself, is nice and atmospheric. It's simple so there's not much to critique that I can tell.

I would however, not cut the song off. Have the notes end and fade out before stopping the song. Adding a bar or two can cause it to be much smoother.

You have some good ideas, and this is far from a bad track, but you need some work on merging the two timbres/styles. Good luck! You've got a good source here by the way.


THX for this biggest comment :D

I know that I made not good mix but year ago I had poor skills of synthesis and good mix of matrial.

In this track I try keep very similar instruments and I use tr909 samples to make similar drums. It's dubstep :D drums and bass is in first position :D

very thx for this comment! In future I return to this project and I will make new version.

My last remix is tallon overworld IV

when 95% of track I make only in use ableton live operator :D ,other 5% is "recorded to loogbook" voice sample, 3 breaks and 1 crash :)

I think that I can make next remix better than my last remixes.



Jordan pretty much said all there is to be said already. Smooth out the parts where the tempo slows down and speeds up, and fix up the drums abruptly ending into the coda.

I don't like the added filter on the bass at 2:38, it makes it sound too "electric" and obnoxious, even for a dubstep track.

The drums are very nice, but lack a lot of variation.

I like the Tallon Overworld themes you included as well :-)

I love the drop, I think that little tweet synth with the delay makes it perfect.

Lastly, because there is not much variation, the song drags out quickly and the listener would get tired. Part of a good dubstep track is to keep the energy or feel of that first drop pumping throughout the rest of the song.


I highly recommend uploading your work to something other than YouTube, due to their compression algorithm. Parts I'm criticizing might simply be due to YouTube, and not your mixing.

It sounds good so far. As mentioned above, the bass does become a little too obnoxious at times, and the temp does jump a little too much near the end. My other problem with the track is it feels a little empty. I think this is more an issue with the source track. It's very ambient. You might wish to include elements from the other chozo tracks, or even one of the boss themes (like


Regardless, I'll try and cite my issues with the track itself. The build up to 1:15 sounds nice, if a little slow. The bass, drums, pad, and square lead leads a little more to be desired though. Plus, they lack a dynamic range.

Otherwise, keep up the good work!

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