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Here's a track I knocked out a a while back, creatively titled "Level One." Let me know what you think!

I was going for a "classic" NES feel -- the melody sounds so familiar to me, I hope it wasn't stolen accidentally or anything...


I like it, but there are times when I feel like you just threw influences in because you were bored.

I hear a strong Mario Land influence throughout, and then castlevania pops in there every once in a while.

So, I like the sound, it was fun, but I feel like there isn't enough compositional coherency outside of "look what I can do now."

I like it, but there are times when I feel like you just threw influences in because you were bored.

I hear a strong Mario Land influence throughout, and then castlevania pops in there every once in a while.

So, I like the sound, it was fun, but I feel like there isn't enough compositional coherency outside of "look what I can do now."

I've never actually played Mario Land or Castlevania, but even if they had been influences, how is that a bad thing? Super Mario 3 or early platform NES music in general was the goal, so I see nothing wrong with using them as influences.

In what way does it lack coherency?

Thanks for your input! I'm glad you liked the sound, and "fun" is definitely what I was going for! It's the first fully-"NES" track of mine that I've been proud of.


Dan could be referring to the abrupt change to minor at 0:48, or the fact that there are 'two' influences. Usually, you'd only want one influence on a track so that it doesn't try to be every song at once, you know? You would find it out of place if a piano ballad went into a heavy metal section (not saying it isn't possible, but highly unlikely), so in terms of the NES and its limited capabilities, having two styles is enough to make the two sections 'feel' different enough.

I can't speak for what he thinks isn't enough compositional coherency, but I think it's coherent enough: you've got an A, A*, and B section before the thing loops again. Short and to the point! My only qualms with this is that the DCPM samples are very loud in comparison to the rest of the channels; I can barely tell there's a triangle (bass), and usually it's the triangle that's overpowering everything else with its lack of volume control! In addition, the B section at 0:48 does feel slightly out of place. The minor vibe is nice, but might be better suited for another track itself, just to keep the track in a certain vibe, rather than take it all over the place. If you really wanted to keep that section, I would suggest extending the track, having more of a build-up to that section, and then a wind-down from it, so as not to abrupt jump from major to minor (granted, that works in some cases, but now is one I don't think that it applies).

Other than those points, very nice work dude! I could easily see this in a campy sort of platformer that isn't trying to impress but just about having some fun.


I can definitely dig that, Xenon. The minor jump is a bit abrupt -- I wanted to provide some variety, but perhaps it comes too caustically.

You're certainly spot-on about the inbalance -- I tend to really crank the volume on everything, and since I can't control triangle loudness, it gets buried. In the future I'll definitely watch out for that.

Thanks dude!

  • 3 weeks later...

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