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FFVI - Gogo's Theme (Rhapsody of Madness)


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Much more serious than the source, I can say! Still a lot of fun. I love how at 02:55 the next part just LANDS on top of you.

I can't offer much in the way of productive crits other than it seems to clip a bit at places, namely around 1:20-1:25, 3:00-3:30 and in the very final crescendo. And mayyyybe I'd use a little more big/wet reverb. Especially the beginning sounds a little dry. But I have no clue about working on an orchestral mix, so take that as you will.


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Oooh, nice, an orchestral version of Gogo. Well done.

In terms of production, I think it gets too loud at a few points, mainly the spots mentioned by evktalo. I also think this mix could some more interpretation. Other than that, I got nothing. I have no experience working with orchestral music.

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