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so i've heard so much awesomeness about sins of a solar empire. i love space games (although RTS aren't usually my thing). is it really as good of a single-player game as they say?

if so, where do i start? should i start with the original game and go from there, or should i just get rebellion and start in there somewhere?


I picked up Trinity during the steam sale, and while I've only played the first one, I've found it to be fairly entertaining if a bit confusing at first. There are a lot of different things to manage, but it feels very grandiose and placed on a large scale rather than overwhelming. That being said, at least for the original, there's no story mode, just scenarios. I haven't tried the other two modes in the pack, which are Entrenchment and Trinity, nor can I speak to the multiplayer experience yet. But I like it, and even just playing on random isn't too bad.

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