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Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a collaborator to work on small score for a flash game I'm currently developing. In this game, you're essentially seeing the main character at three points of his life - youth, adolescence and maturity. He is kind of an earthy character, like a dwarf, to help you get a grasp of what feeling he should evoke.

I would need three pieces, each somewhere between 30-90 seconds long, that would loop well. My thought is that each of the compositions should sound like each other, yet differ in pitch/tone or instruments used.

The first score would identify with the character's youth. It has to evoke curiosity, fun, perhaps a little bit of mischief.

The second score would be a little more powerful. It's this character when he is big enough to make a difference. Perhaps some heartier drums. Something that evokes confidence and pride.

The third score sees the character at the end of his metamorphosis. He's become a force to be reckoned with, and with his great power, comes great intimidation. Perhaps this one can be a little eerie or scary.

These details are very vague, so if you are interested, feel free to contact me about more information.

Thanks to anyone who wanders into this thread!


I'm also interested in this project. Do you have any set deadlines? Details on the current progress? I'd be really helpful for those interested. Sending you a PM.


I'd prefer to have something at least started by the end of December. The deadline for the game's release is in March.

Currently, we're heavy into the programming, and are using placeholder graphics. We're trying to have at least 70% of the graphic assets in place by the beginning of January.

I've been telling the guys who have PM'd me that it's got the same kind of spirit/essence as Spelunky, so I've been veering toward that type of sound.


As of so far there's been no discussion of compensation. Do you have a budget? And if not, do you plan on offering percentages of sales or perhaps you're looking for someone interested in building their portfolio with a free project. Please inform us of the scale and possible monetary recuperation.


I wouldn't feel right about not compensating whoever I ended up working with. As of right now, I have a $500 budget for the score, but that's subject to change, especially if the project picks up speed and our financier likes what he sees.

Also, I feel it should go without saying, but of course the musician(s) who submit their work to the project will have their names in the credits of the game.

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