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email sub file Biohazard2_Two Thumbs Up_OC_ReMix.mp3

Artist: - Patrick C. Wagstaff, Robert Stogner

Album: - Resident Evil 2 (aka, Biohazard 2)

Title: - Two Thumbs Up

Remix Of: - Wreckage Of The Mad Experiment

Composer: - Masami Ueda

Sound Clips from RE 4, and RE 2.

  • 3 weeks later...

As for anyone that subs over the size & bitrate limit (in this case, 220kbps VBR/7.03MB)...

Submission Instructions & Standards]Bitrate should be as low as possible to achieve the desired sound quality, within reason. We recommend and use the free MP3 encoder LAME. If it's a really short song, feel free to bump up the bitrate a bit, but do not exceed 192Kbps . . . if it's a realllly long song, and won't fit under 6MB, please consider cutting a shorter, alternate version. It's a bandwidth thang ^^

http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/BiohazardDC_psf.rar - 916 - Unknown.minipsf

a.k.a. Biohazard 2 Complete Track - 129 "Wreakage of the mad experiment"

Nice source tune. Not a bad trance type genre conversion, but the sounds/synths here are really basic and relatively flimsy. I like the kick, but other than that most of the sounds feel dry and defautly. Sounds particularly lacking in "fuller" sections like 1:37-1:52 where you're using the source melody and going for a dense sound. I feel like the dance kick and the sheer volume are carrying this too much in trying to create texture. Production overall though at least sounds clean.

Voice clip at 2:18-2:23 is gonna be hit-or-miss, but I'm down. Kind of disappointed that you only focused on a few bars from the original and slightly altered the synths playing it from verse to verse, but at the same time, there's not too much to build off of here. 3:22 until the end is basically another loop of previously heard stuff.

I'd be much more down with this if it had more a bit more development, as well as more creative synth design. Right now things sound competant, but bland and uninspired.

I hollered at analoq for the expert opinion. Even though I didn't strike any deal to get Aaron's comments beyond simply asking, I have renamed "analoq" to "sexy analoq" to bestow upon him my gratitude. I have also renamed myself "Ladytamer" to reflect my sexual prowess in the eyes of the womenz:

Ladytamer: Lemme know if I'm making any sense, or if I'm just a crackpot :'-(

sexy analoq: ah crap, the voice caught me off guard

sexy analoq: i thought maybe i was experiencing a talking pop-up ad or something

Ladytamer: hahaha!

Ladytamer: "Hahahaha....so you've come this far!"

sexy analoq: but yeah, your take on it is on track

Ladytamer: That kind of sucks

Ladytamer: I mean, it's not BAD per se

sexy analoq: the original is passive, there's no real melody driving it

Ladytamer: Yeah, that's true

sexy analoq: so this guy just kinda throws these arpeggiated/gated synths around that just follow the chord progression

sexy analoq: now, there are trance songs that do just that --

sexy analoq: but they have huge builds and drop-offs to make it work

Ladytamer: So you're saying there's not enough dynamic contrast?

Ladytamer: I felt that, but didn't want to seem ignorantly biased against the genre; you'd know better, but I'd imagine a significant amount of trance material doesn't really involve so much in the way of contrast

sexy analoq: well you're right that some trance doesn't have strong dynamics

sexy analoq: i think what he has might work if there was a strong melody to drive things

sexy analoq: but since there isn't, there needs to be the dramatic builds and drop-offs that are common in trance

Ladytamer: Aight man, that sounds good; thanks a lot for your POV yo; you're expert in the clutch

Ladytamer: Helps me articulate myself better as well; you don't mind if I quote you directly?

sexy analoq: no problem, quote away

Well, you heard it from analoq. From his side as well, more tangible development and contrast within the track would help this out. Along with the synth design being so plain, I think this is a good candiate for a resub if you two are willing to keep working on it.

NO (resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

Very little changes over the course of the song. Perhaps the instrumentation changes a few times, but it's always the same thing. The song is terribly repetitive, making it seem like it's a lot longer than it is. try something different.



This is tough, since the source material is so sparse. It's pretty much an atmospheric/cinematic source material without anything really going on. I don't really see anyway of arranging it without going a very very liberal route. So within this context, I'm not put off by the arrangement values of this mix.

I agree compositionally it's very repetitive and lacking any contrasts, not necessarily dynamics. But as mentioned earlier, this has no builds or drop offs. I see this as a problem with arranging this source material more than anything else though. The lack of builds, is an issue, but by the same time, a lot of electronica music is pretty much like this too.

I think for me the main issue here is the lack of melody, it's just repeating the same progression/arp over and over, in addition I think the synth design/processing is rather basic. It's an above average trance/electronica piece, but ultimately too basic and without any hooks that is so necessary in this type of music...I am left looking for more. NO

Patrick especially, please keep it up. I know you've been trying for a while now. I don't want to see you give up, as I feel you are on the brink there. Just keep at it and don't get demotivated. You'll get a mix posted at one point. Just keep at it. Hope to hear more from you.

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