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Wow-- really good! I'm trying to find something, anything, to nitpick at... but I can't. Maybe mark it for mod review or take it to the irc channel to make sure we're not missing anything here, but to me this sounds like it's ready to submit right now.

This source has always been a favorite of mine, but you brought something new to it and made it even better. Great work! This is keeper, for sure.


At 0:03, the low strings sound a bit too heavy in the low mids, but only slightly. Try lowering the frequencies in the low mids a bit, and raising the mids, so that the overall volume remains the same, but it's less muddy. Great choice of strings, though.

I ripped this song just now into Adobe Audition, and the waveform looks too loud in the intro, for one. If you can make it sound good quiet, it'll sound good loud. Try to see if you can make the strings sound the same volume at -10dB. Weird idea, I know, but try it. It'll make everything sound more clear.

In general, it looks overcompressed. You can bump up the drums to 0dB, and remove any compressors you have on other instruments if you have any. Make sure you can see the drum hits clearly in the waveform.

Very nice job so far.


Heck yes. I personally don't think that the low mids are weird at all as timaeus is saying, though it may be my headphones (they aren't all that great, but they'll do the job). I honestly think it sounds great. In fact, possibly like a small tad bit higher frequency on master track? Don't know if you are EQing the master track. But those drums are amazing. Love it.

Man, those chord progressions always remind me of Stranger in Moscow by MJ. And I believe that was the attempt. :D

Heck yes. I personally don't think that the low mids are weird at all as timaeus is saying, though it may be my headphones (they aren't all that great, but they'll do the job). I honestly think it sounds great. In fact, possibly like a small tad bit higher frequency on master track? Don't know if you are EQing the master track. But those drums are amazing. Love it.

Man, those chord progressions always remind me of Stranger in Moscow by MJ. And I believe that was the attempt. :D

Yeah, I recently upgraded (well, switched, really) from Sony earphones to a WAY better set of Sony headphones, IMO. I've had them for so long, but after switching to those, I realized how good they really were. My old ones broke on one side and were low in treble anyway.

I do mean what I said with the low mids, actually, but it's minor. It's not overbearing, and it's borderline between "great" and "awesome", leaning towards "great".

Another thing I forgot to say was that after focusing on listening to the drums, I feel like they sound the same throughout the entire segments with drum parts. Others might call it "auto-pilot", but it's probably because they read a specific Music Theory book (which I might actually have found that once belonged to my sister). It had language such as "jarring", "tinny", and so on which remind me of the language of the judges. xD

Anyways, some variations and fills on the drums would do the track a lot of good. Their timbres are sufficient.

Man, those chord progressions always remind me of Stranger in Moscow by MJ. And I believe that was the attempt. :D

Random fact: A lot of Sonic fans think that the credits song was based off of Stranger in Moscow, but it's vice versa. MJ was involved with composing for the game, and later made a song with the same chord progression. xD


Yeah, I'm certainly one of the believers. Here's a fun video on the subject of MJ's alleged involvement in Sonic 3 (ignore the Ice Cap comparison, which is a bit silly):

Back on topic: yep, this is still just as good as the first time I listened to it. I'm afraid I simply can't wait for this to go through judging and posting... this is going to have to go straight to my playlist. Love it love it love it!


Great Job Aviators, glad to see you working on video game stuff again. From what I hear so far, this will be a great addition to the OCR remix library.

However, I kind of have to agree with timaeus and the percussion comment. It sounds a bit repetitive, and I'm almost certain the judges will call you out for it. whether or not it'll be a deciding factor or not, I'm not sure.

That lead synth... dayum. You've definitely had practice with leads ;-)

You will definitely want to go ahead and mark this as Mod Review - this is more of an "Advanced WIP" or "Almost Finished WIP", so go ahead and get a Mod's opinion on this.


That lead synth... dayum. You've definitely had practice with leads ;-)

I agree on the timbre of the lead. This is one last thing I forgot to talk about.

The lead by itself is fantastic, but the glide is a smidge too much. It gets more obvious at 1:16 when overlapping notes are more prominent. Actually, that's probably the only section that it's marginally too much glide. See if you can't do some MIDI CC automation to turn down the glide for only that section. It sounds fine in other places. Let's say that the glide was at "20". I'd say turn it down to about "14".

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