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Rollin Menu and Level 1 Omni Mix


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Hello everyone, this is a complete rework from my previous version of the menu and first level theme of the old DOS game Rollin

Original songs:

Menu: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bx_bZ0OhfYs2RlJWMzlKZEp3RVk

Level 1: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bx_bZ0OhfYs2bVhidnNLNFlMdE0



I believe it's done, but any comments/feedback is most welcome!

Also, any thoughts on a title would be appreciated :)

Edited by Defiant00
Marked for Mod Review
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  • 3 weeks later...

I like these sources. Simple, oldsk00l. I'm getting a Lotus vibe from them, which can't be a bad thing. :D

Intro gets loud rather fast, might wanna soften it up slightly. Gets messy once the bass comes in, the low end is just boomy and unfocused. Hihat is a bit loud. There's plenty of retro-y sounds in here, but some of the processing doesn't quite make sense, like the weird tremolo on the choir.

There's plenty of cool processing things tho, like the stereo effects. Instrumentation is pretty eclectic, but most of it works well. Some of it could be better mixed into the track, like your overly loud and dry leads. Low end and leads fixed and you should have the track in a much better state.

It's quite long, and I got tired of it quickly. While that could be production things getting to me, I don't think this track really needs all five minutes of length. Transitions can be really jarring at times (eg 4:35).

Sources are a bit hard to get to, they're both quite long and have plenty of different parts. That coul explain why many of the lead melodies are so hard to place, but those could just as well be original writing. I know the basslines form the main menu are there, and the first melody is clearly source, but the rest is harder to place. Without making this eat up a whole afternoon for me, I'm just gonna ask: would you recognize the melodies in the remix?

Fix up your production and figure out your arrangement. You're not quite there yet.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the feedback, I'll have to take a close look at some of the mixing whenever I actually get some time.

Good point about the transitions, certainly still something I'm trying to figure out.

Personally, as one of the old DOS games that I played a good bit, yes, the actual melodies stand out for me for most of the track.

With that said, I'm probably going to have to take a break from this one for a while before I can bring myself to come back and work on it more. I can only take so much of a song before I need to do something different :)

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