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*NO* Final Fantasy 6 'The Epic Final Fantasy VI Medley'

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ReMixer name : MP

Real name: Marc Papeghin

Email address:

Website: www.marcpapeghin.com

Name of game(s) arranged : Final Fantasy VI

Name of arrangement : The Epic Final Fantasy VI Medley

Name of individual song(s) arranged :


*Locke's Theme

*Edgar & Sabin's Theme

*Battle Theme

*Save Them !

*Shadow's Theme

*Kids Run Through the City


*The Decisive Battle

*Setzer's Theme

*The Airship Blackjack

*Searching for Friends

*Balance Is Restored~~Ending Theme

My goal was to create a cohesive medley where each theme blends perfectly into the next one, ultimately creating one giant piece of music.

It features drums, guitars, keyboards & french horn ( among other instruments )

MP3 Link :

Video version of this arrangement :


As listed in our standards, we want submissions with multiple sources to be cohesive pieces, and you mentioned in your email that you wanted to make one. The transitions in this arrangement are not bad on the whole, but I don't think that makes it cohesive. With such big style and mood shifts, it still sounds a bit disjointed. The production is also a bit dry which gives it kind of a cheap quality, but the live performances add a LOT to the overall package. Almost too good though - when compared to the sequenced instruments, the sequenced ones stick out like a sore thumb.

You're a very talented dude to be able to put this all together and I hope you don't take this rejection the wrong way. I think with something a little more focused, and with some production tweaks, you could make something that would be very well-received here.

NO (resubmit)


You can tell from the title that this is going to be testing out our 'medley' standards more then anything.

First off: props for playing all these instruments. I absolutely love the french horn, and you're making me happy pants with it.

A few minutes into this and I'm already 100% sure that this will be rejected, but please don't go away thinking it's because there's anything particularly bad about it. Its completely down to the fact that putting all the songs one after another isn't the sort of rearrangement that ocr is looking for. Whilst there are some sections where you've done a bit of theme weaving pretty well, the majority of the track is 'theme A, transition, theme B, transitionn' etc.

So yeah, don't feel bad about this getting a no. It's just the nature of the arrangement. In fact, you shouldn't feel bad about it anyway because you already have 100k youtube views. What do you need us for?


3. Acceptable Source Material

* Your submission must have a strong focus and direction. Medleys must sound like a single song, not multiple songs pasted together.

Yeah, the medley structure not being smooth or having a strong direction ended up being an issue re: the standards.

Forgetting the medley-itis for a moment, Marc, the energy in this piece was just halfway there and that killed it dead. The textures here were way too thin, and the quality disparity between the live & sampled stuff (e.g. strings, drums) was pretty apparent. Like the others have said, there's loads of potential here, and it's not as if this piece is poor, but it lacks fullness and energy. Even if you there were just 2 or 3 themes, those two issues (thin textures & fake-sounding sequenced instruments) undermined the arrangement too much to pass, IMO.

Along with that, some of the theme development was OK, but the structure and flow of the piece definitely was not cohesive, despite some cool personalization and interpretation of several themes. But it's too many short takes on themes without enough development of at least a few themes, and some awkward transitions (though most of those were OK).

The potential of this piece wasn't realized enough. See what more can be done to flesh out the background instrumentation and give this arrangement more flow. Some of the themes got some breathing room to develop, but the overall flow & direction of the piece was awkward.

You have some good potential, so definitely don't be discouraged. Learn more about how to beef up your textures and work on your structure. With some better-sounding sampled parts, or improving your production skills, you'll have a fuller, more realistic sound to your sampled instruments.


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